Chapter 3: Save

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Chase dives into a lab just before he is seen again.

Chase: "(hyperventilating) That was close."

It's been ten minutes since Chase made a break for it.

Chase: "I can't keep hiding."

Two blades sprout from Chase's hands when his systems react to the thought of self defense.

Chase: "Huh?"

Two men enter the lab as the blade acquire a cyan energy edge.

Man 1: "Halt Cyan Blur!"

Chase: "Cyan... Blur?"

Chase's blades melt two bullets flying at him.

Man 2: "We need backup at-"

Chase lets go of hesitation and stabs both men in the gut.

Chase: "I'm getting out!"

Chase runs back into the hallway as his blades retract.


Man 1: "Dammit! Three of them already got away!"

They're keeping an eye on the Accelerators.

Man 2: "Two are still unknown."

Man 3: "But one of them is the Cyan Blur!"

Man 6: "And they're both in Sector B!"

Man 4: "They're easily going to join the Resistance!"

Man 5: "It's all going downhill!"


Chase: "(breathing heavily) I'm nearly there..."

Chase has just exited the main building and is 20 meters from the exit gate.

Chase: "(wiping away sweat) Anyone around?"

Chase notices a few men concentrated in one corner.

Chase: "What're they-"

???: "Let me go!"

Chase can hear the voice of a girl struggling against them.

Chase: "Sh-She's in trouble!"

Chase takes a step towards the group before having a moment of hesitation.

Chase: "But..."

The gate is right there and could risk his chances of escape.

Chase: "Do I..."

He can now see the girl, her clothes are similar to his, but her hair is metallic gray with a few strands being magenta, being tied into a side ponytail on her left side.

Man 1: "You're not getting away Accelerator."

Girl: "(struggling) I said let me go!"

Thrusters in her feet try to get her to fly out of their grasp, but they weigh her down.

Chase: "We're stuck in the same situation..."

Chase's eyes begin to glow.

Chase: "... I'll save what I can!"

Chase activates Phase Shift as he runs towards the group.

Girl: "I can't break free!"

Man 2: "Your little escape is over."

Chase reappears in the middle of the group.

Man 3: "C-Cyan Blur?!"

Chase chops off the hands grabbing the girl.

Girl: "Y-You are..."

Chase: "Come on! We don't have much time!"

Chase grabs her hand as they run to the exit.

Girl: "O-Okay!"

She is left in shock as she realizes just who is holding her hand.

Girl: "The Cyan Blur..."

They bust through the exit and into the streets...

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