Chapter 34: The Final Sector

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Several days later...

Everyone is currently heading for the base of a large mountain after they've finally finished recovering.

Julie: "Glad to get back on my feet."

Chase: "Glad to see you on two legs too."

The sky is growing dark and cloudy.

Lisa: "But we've got the last generator to take care of."

The air is growing colder and colder as they get higher and higher up on the mountain.

Hammerhead: "After this, I can finally live my life!"

Kyoya: "Wh-What are you going to do after this?"

Julie: "That, I have no idea."

Chase: "I always wanted to be a mechanic, maybe I'll see if I can get to work on that."

Lisa: "Y-Yeah..."

It's too quiet for them to stay calm.

Hammerhead: "This shit is too quiet."

Chase readies his plasma blades as Julie draws her pistol.

Julie: "I hear you. By now Calius should've done anything to protect his generator."

Chase: "You three keep an eye on the front and we'll be watching the back."

They assume positions before continuing.

Kyoya: "I-I don't like this o-one bit."

They're inching further and further up.

Lisa: "I don't see anything e-"

Rocks are starting to move.

Hammerhead: "Well... shit."

The winds are starting to blow.

Julie: "Our Accelerators are just at the base of the mountain. We need get inside the mountain observatory now."

They can hear the metallic footsteps.

Chase: "Only one way to do that."

Kyoya: "And that is...?"

Several dozen Accelerators leap out from the shadows and towards the heroes.

Chase: "RUN!!!!"

They dash as fast as they can towards the mountaintop, but the Accelerators are catching up.

Hammerhead: "Ah fuck this!"

He grabs everyone else by the arm.

Hammerhead: "Hold on!"

Others: "Wait wha-"

They charge towards the top of the mountain at blistering speeds.


Calius is currently regaining consciousness as he awakens bolted to a surgical table.

Calius: "Wh-What's happening?!"

???: "I need you to protect my last generator."

Calius: "M-MONO?!"

MONO: "You will be given our latest achievements in Accelerator technology."

Calius: "Wh-What?!"

MONO: "Your implants will begin momentarily."

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