Chapter 42: At the Limit

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A few hours later...

Everyone has already started climbing up the third flight of stairs after taking two hours to recuperate.

Hammerhead: "Just one more flight of stairs then we can smash MONO to pieces and we're home free!"

Kyoya: "Y-Yeah, home free..."

Julie: "Going to miss playing the hero Kyoya?"

Kyoya: "W-Well... I didn't like my life before, s-so I feel like I'm actually doing something meaningful here."

Chase glances towards Kyoya.

Chase: "Yeah, a normal life will be kind of boring compared to what we've been doing."

Lisa looks towards Chase with a nervous glance.

Lisa: "B-But... it'll be for the best."

Julie: "That I can't deny."

They keep going up.


The percentage has reached 65.3%.

MONO: "It'll be ready in time. That two hour break ruined everything for them."

The percentage is ticking up a bit faster.

MONO: "Once they get here, it'll already be too late."

The body's fingers start moving.

A good while later...

They've arrived at the 75th floor, all set to lose their lunches again, but not as badly.

Julie: "(groaning) Just one more flight."

Chase: "(stumbling) Y-Yeah..."

Everyone looks towards Chase in confusion, watching as he pushes himself to go forward despite what his body is feeling.

Lisa: "(nauseous) Why are you pushing yourself so hard?"

Chase glances back towards them.

Chase: "(stumbling) Because I think we've got something bigger ahead than what anyone could've imagined."

Kyoya: "H-Huh? Wh-What's that supposed to mean?"

Chase: "(stumbling) I think that we wasted too much time just getting here and that break took every chance we had of coming home alive."

Then, they immediately think of the one possibility they hadn't really thought about, but makes perfect sense.

Hammerhead: "So you think MONO helped us destroy the generators and took over Calius to try and cut ties with us?"

Chase keeps going forward.

Chase: "(stumbling) Who else would be at MONO Tower with the ability to help us?"

The atmosphere almost feels like it was painted black with despair, one more fear instilled upon them before they arrive at the final battle...

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