Chapter 7: Accelerator Units

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One hour later...

Lisa: "Where are we?"

The two stand in an empty, yet familiar room.

Chase: "Where I woke up."

They examine the room.

Lisa: "This place feels..."

Chase: "Like a pit where all you can do is dream."

They find a ladder leading to a higher level.

Chase: "Come on!"

Chase climbs the ladder.

Lisa: "They're almost here!"

Lisa flies to the top as four Accelerators enter the room.

Chase: "Just great."

Chase gets to the top as the Accelerators fire at him.

Lisa: "Wh-What type ate they?!"

They can see their legs charge with a white light.

Chase: "Meteor types! Run!"

The Accelerators leap to the second level in a single bound.

Lisa: "We can't!"

They're surrounded.

Chase: "(drawing blades) I'll handle these two while you get those two!"

The heroes are back to back.

Lisa: "Just knock them out!"

Lisa lets a punch loose that sends her two into a wall.

Chase: "No problem!"

Chase grabs one before swinging it and knocking them both to the ground floor.

Chase: "Come on!"

They head for the only door at the end of the path.


Demo: "Never surrender!"

Demo is doing their best to keep the Accelerators at bay.

Demo: "Not much longer!"


Lisa: "Is this..."

They've arrived in the room where the Accelerators acquired their new limbs.

Chase: "Those guys get more and more fucked the deeper we go."

They see another door at the other side, but it has three card slots.

Lisa: "We need keycards."

They can hear commotion in the room behind them.

Chase: "We'd better find them!"

The two hurry through the desolate area, trying to find the keys.

Ten minutes later...

Chase: "Found one!"

Chase and Lisa are checking nearby labs, with Chase finding the first on a desk.

Five minutes later...

Lisa: "Over here!"

Lisa found another in a drawer guarded by an Accelerator.

Three minutes later...

Chase: "That makes three!"

Chase finds the last in an unused lab coat.

Lisa: "Let's stop wasting time!"

They hurry back to the door as they're soon able to hear Accelerators coming their way...

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