He Plays?

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friday morning

7:15 AM

Rain slipped down the window as Victoria Kelly shut her bible and dropped her pen on the side table behind her bed. She glanced at the time on her phone and groaned. "Jo! Mari! Get up?" she yelled to her roommates. As the mom of the group, Tori felt almost responsible to make sure her friends were up in time for class. Tori hopped out of the loft bed and headed to the shared bathroom across from her room. As she stared at her second day straight/wavy blonde hair in the mirror, Tori took a deep breath. "Nope," she whispered, manufacturing a messy bun and pulling out the sides.

"Morning," JoJo muttered, heading to the other sink in the bathroom. Tori half waved as she started to brush her teeth and put an outfit together in her mind. "Rough night?" JoJo asked. Tori shrugged and did a short stretch.

"Kind of. I didn't realize how late it was until Kamari dropped her cup on the porch at the Omega house. That's when I knew it was time to go," Tori giggled. She wasn't into drugs or smoking, but she could get down with a good drink. That was her one "Christian girl" flaw. She didn't get drunk or anything, but a nice buzz to keep her spirits high was no issue to her.

JoJo groaned and started to straighten her hair. "Dang! I wish I could've gone. I got stuck babysitting Farren at Isla Vista all night. We were gonna come over there, but someone got uber wasted and we spent the night looking for his glasses that he put in his Fanny before we started drinking," JoJo complained. Tori finished brushing her teeth with a grin before rinsing out her mouth.

"We should've gone to Fair. I was watching Kayla and Jordin's Snapchat and they were living! Ugh," Tori groaned, grabbing her makeup bag and slapping on a light foundation, then doing her brows. The entire friend group was supposed to meet up at one of the Frat houses around midnight to hangout, but everyone lost track of time and ended up somewhere different.

"Yeah, tonight, no splitting up! We are going to the game and then the after party at Alpha house," JoJo decided as Kamari and Kayla came in.

"How was your guy's night? Your snaps were a bit quiet," Kayla observed as she turned on the shower head. JoJo rolled her eyes while Kamari and Tori shared a look before groaning. "That bad?" She giggled, starting to strip and hop in the shower. If it were any other friend group, they would've been weirded out, but at that point it wasn't anything they hadn't seen before.

8:19 AM

Tori tapped her pencil against her laptop quietly as her mind drifted during her English lit class. It was her most boring class, because she got the same teacher she had for the intro class and she automatically knew what was up.

So. as par usual, Tori spent time shopping instead of paying attention. Until a guy wrapped in cologne walked past her, obstructing her breathing. While the scent was nice, it was a bit overpowering. She looked up to see a guy she'd never met or seen before sit next to her and drop his stuff on the floor. The professor looked up, but Tori could tell he noticed the guy, and didn't say anything. Weird. Tori thought before going back to her shopping.

Not even five minutes later a tap on Tori's shoulder pulled her out of Forever 21. She glanced to the guy next to her with his phone up and kind of waving at her. "Yeah?" She asked.

"You got a charger? I'm running low?" He asked. Tori shrugged and pulled the white iPhone charger out of her bag. "Thanks, babygirl," he smirked. Tori grimaced.

"Babygirl?" She whispered in disgust. The tall, clearly upperclassmen, shrugged with a kooky smile.

"I mean, yeah. I don't know your name, so..." he trailed off. The music major rolled her eyes and scoffed.

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