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saturday morning

9 AM

It had been a couple of days since Tori and her mom had their fight, but things had definitely not blown over. She finally told her mother where she was, but also told her that she wanted nothing to do with her. After her mom basically labeling her as the reason for her failing marriage, Tori felt completely disgusted with her parents. So much so, that she came up with every excuse in the book not to meet up with her. And now that her twentieth birthday was literally a day away, Tori wanted to focus on having fun instead of family drama. So, while André was at an away game until Sunday, Tori and Michelle decided to have a girls day.

The women sat in the living room, the day before Tori's big day, eating breakfast and watching Preachers' Daughters reruns for the hundredth time. As a commercial ran, Michelle turned to Tori and sat her spoon in her half empty bowl. "So," said Michelle, capturing Tori's attention from the flat screen. "I know you and Dré are really trying to get your relationship with God right and so am I, but how are you supposed to do that when you guys are always having sex? I thought that was against the Bible and stuff," Michelle genuinely asked. Since she and André didn't really grow up in church, some of the commandments were a bit fuzzy in her mind.

"Well, yeah, technically we aren't supposed to be doing it. But, we know we are getting married one day and we don't plan on not being together so we don't really see the harm in it," Tori explained. "We are basically married without the piece of paper," she shrugged. Michelle hummed to herself before picking up Addi and placing her on the boppy beside her.

"Oh. Is God okay with that? The whole basically married thing?" Michelle questioned. Tori didn't have an answer and decided to just shrug again, causing Michelle to laugh. "Oh okay. Good to know," she joked.

"Whatever," Tori smiled. "And we do not have sex all the time. We've done it three times since I moved in," Tori tried. Michelle counted back before poking out her lips in disbelief.

"You moved in Wednesday and Dré left Friday morning," Michelle reminded. Tori thought back and chuckled.

"Oh, well then yeah I guess it's been a lot. But we can't help it. We scratched the itch and now it won't go away," the singer laughed. Michelle shuttered at the thought of Tori and her brother, before turning back to the TV.

"Eww, no thank you," she giggled. Tori bit her lip and pulled her legs to her chest as she finished up her cereal and watched the show.

10:45 AM

"We have to go!" Michelle yelled before Tori cascaded down the stairs in black jeans and a white Nike sweater. "Our nail appointment is at 11! We can't be late!" Michelle rushed. Thankfully, Tyler had gotten back from work in time to take Addi so that Michelle could do everything that she had planned with Tori. The singer grabbed her purse and the two headed out alone.

11:15 AM

"Ooh, those are cute!" Michelle squeaked as Tori took a picture of her black manicure for her fans on Instagram.

"Thanks. I'm obsessed," Tori beamed. The two got quiet for a second as Tori waited for her picture to post and Michelle got the courage to ask what she wanted.

"Are you-"

"Can-" the two said at the same time. "You go first," Tori offered, knowing that her question was rather stupid once she thought about it.

"I was just wanting to know if you and Dré were trying," Michelle said in shy voice. Tori furrowed her eyebrows not understanding the question. "You know, for a baby. Because, Tyler and I were talking about giving Addi a sibling some time in the near future. Like, someone to play with and grow up with. But I was gonna put a pause on that if you and Dré were trying," Michelle sheepishly continued. Tori did her best to focus in on the reasoning behind Michelle's question but couldn't truly move pass the first part.

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