Nope! Not Doing It!

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A Month Later — June
8 AM

Tori laid on the exam table as André and Laura sat in the chairs watching the doctor check Tori. "You are measuring at 25 weeks even though that's not where we had you in my chart, so let's see what's going on," she said, pulling out the ultrasound machine. Tori slowly shook her head, planning Kamari's murder in her head. She jinxed her. She spoke this into her life. The only way Kamari was about to live was if the doctor did not see another sac. That's the only way.

Tori watched the doctor squeeze the cold blue gel on her stomach and immediately pick up a heart beat. They watched for a second before, Tori immediately got furious. There on the screen sat two fetuses in one sac. Two tiny little babies chillen. "That makes more sense," the doctor smiled, taking a few still. Laura got up from her seat to get a better look.

"How? How does this make sense?" She asked the doctor dropped her probe for a moment and looked in Tori's chart.

"Right here," she pointed. "In her hospital stay they gave her steroids and those steroids must've produced more than one egg when Tori ovulated," she explained. Laura moved back to her seat in shock.

"Your father is going to flip," Laura said, before glancing to the frozen 22-year-old. "Dré," she tapped him. Tori looked back to see her boyfriend staring at the door as if he was about to pounce through it. He took a deep breath as if he was going to speak, putting everyone on edge for him to say absolutely nothing and shut his mouth.

"Would you guys like to know the genders?" The doctor asked. Tori shook her head, knowing she would be dead if Kamari and Vera couldn't throw this gender reveal party.

"Uh, just write it down. We are having a gender party thing," Tori said. She could nearly get her thoughts in order, and she was definitely not prepared for two kids.

The rest of the appointment was a blur after hearing two heartbeats. Tori's mind raced, her heart raced, and before she knew it she was in the front seat of her moms SUV in tears. "Tori, you okay?" Laura asked, glancing to her daughter as they road along the freeway. Tori shook her head and dropped the pictures of her twins in her purse

"I can't do this. I can't have twins. I—" Tori stuttered, wiping her tears and staring down at her 22 week bump. "My album drops in six days! I'm supposed to be touring!" Traffic, as usual, came to an almost complete stop, giving Laura a chance to talk to her daughter with André asleep in the back.

"Victoria, I have never seen you face a challenge you weren't prepared for. I know it seems like you and Dré are out there on your own, but Dad and I are here for you guys. We truly are and we want what's best for all four of you," Laura encouraged. "Your fans understand. They are excited to hear your album and they are even more excited for your babies. Take a deep breath." Traffic slowly started to pick up, relieving Laura. "And after your party, dad and I want to talk to you guys about something," Laura vaguely said, handing Tori a napkin from the glove compartment. "Cheer up, mama. We are finding out what you're having today!" Laura smiled. Tori looked into her moms eyes and for the first time since finding out about the pregnancy, she was genuinely happy talking about her grandchildren.

It was odd, but Tori sort of felt at ease. However, they had to kick moving into high gear with only a month and a half left. That was if the twins came on time, shorter if they are like their mother who loves to be early.

"I can't believe this, but it makes sense why I look like I should be almost 9 months," Tori giggled, dropping the napkin in her lap and running her hands along the sides of her stomach. "But now we definitely have to move because, there is no space for two babies in the apartment," Tori sighed. Laura nodded in agreement, not wanting to give anything away before she and Allwyn could talk to them.

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