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a week later

1:30 PM

Tori sat in front her laptop watching her album explode all over her small sector of the internet. Her fans were stoked. Scooter was happy. And she was relieved. The added stress of will it, won't it was over and Tori could finally breathe. The musical wait was over, but her other one began.

André hobbled down the stairs of their apartment with a couple of boxes and dropped them next to the couch. "I think that's all of my basketball stuff," he said, patting the last of three boxes. Tori glanced over expecting to see maybe a box or two.

"Oh my," she gasped, shutting her laptop to see three huge boxes. "And you already have boxes in the truck?" Tori asked. André giggled.

"Yeah," he smirked. "I'm gonna get ready to take these to my parents. You ready?" He asked, grabbing the boxes from the bottom.

"Why do I have to go?" She groaned, getting up from the couch. André glanced at her growing stomach, then back at his girlfriends face.

"Because I can't have you here by yourself almost two hours away," André replied, watching Tori face turn to slight discomfort. "That's why." Tori rolled her eyes and grabbed André's keys.

"Your sons are already rough housing," she groaned, moving past her babies father towards the door. As she normally would, Tori tan her hand over her stomach, but quickly retracted feeling a foot on the lower left side. "Oh my gosh," she said, poking one of her sons body parts threw her sun dress. "Murillo, I'm so ready to give birth. These boys are driving me insane," Tori complained as they made their way to the elevator. André dropped a chuckle here and there as she went on and on about how that was her least favorite part about the pregnancy so far.

3:47 PM

As André drove back from, Tori played with her bump in a daze. "Do you ever wonder what we'd be doing if we hadn't slept together that night?" Tori asked, catching André by a bit of a surprise. Tori had never been a very regretful person around him. So, he was a bit confused.

"Like, if we hadn't gotten pregnant?" He clarified. Tori nodded, not wanting to say it out loud and seem like a terrible mother. "Uhh, I guess. I mean from our first date I knew I wanted you to be the mother of my kids. I just didn't expect it this fast. I always imagined us getting married after you graduated. Enjoying married life for a year and then trying," he revealed. Tori started to sulk a bit, since their plans had changed so drastically.

"Do you hate that I dropped out of school?" Tori sheepishly asked, not sure if she wanted the answer. André grabbed Tori's hand and intertwined their fingers.

"You are doing what you love with the added bonus of bringing home a check. So, no I don't hate that you dropped out. I'm your biggest supporter, remember?" He smirked. Tori was glad to have her boyfriend backing her 100 percent, even when she didn't do it for herself. "Wait, are you having second thoughts about the boys and keeping them?" André worried. He didn't want to be a single dad, but he would if he had too.

"I— I don't know if it's second thoughts. I'm just— I don't know," Tori stammered. "Don't get me wrong, I love the boys with my whole heart. I just worry that I'm not the best mother for them. I'm just worried that we are a bit too unprepared for this," she voiced. André understood that. They didn't have enough space for the twins. They definitely didn't have the supplies. They just didn't. The father-to-be could see the stress on his girlfriends face and did some quick thinking.

They had a single crib and some diapers and wipes. That was it. No clothes, no blankets, no bottles, not even a second crib for the second baby. Tori had every right to worry especially when she was due in two and a half months.

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