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2:16 AM

The house was quiet. Too quiet. Mischief lives in a quiet house with kids. And this house was no different. André's phone buzzed with a special vibration signally that Tori had messaged him.

Babygirl: U up?

With a smirk, the basketball player crept out of Noah's room and tiptoed down the hall through the living room to Tori. He slipped in and shut the door, breaking the first of many rules. "Do you know how dead we would be if your dad checks and sees I'm not in your brother's room?" André asked, slipping into Tori's bed. The sophomore giggled and nodded, pulling her boyfriend into a kiss.

"Don't worry, he won't find out. My moms a heavy sleeper and dad took melatonin, they'll be out for a while," Tori smirked, before going back into the kiss. André was not opposed to this make-out session, but something felt different about it. Tori's hands started to roam and ended up at the brim of his shirt. She gave a short tug, signally that she wanted it off, forcing André out of the kiss.

"Woah, what's going on?" André asked. Tori seductively bit her lip and trailed her hands up his shirt.

"I can't wait any longer. I miss sex and I want you," Tori whispered. André didn't feel settled on this and sat back.

"What about waiting until we get married, remember? You literally said that like five hours ago," André asked. Tori ran her hand south of the equator and shrugged.

"You don't seem so opposed," she smirked. Thankfully, it was too dark for Tori to see André blushing. He couldn't deny he was turned on, but everything seemed to be moving fast. "Come on! Nothing is going to happen. We are clean and I'm on birth control. You know you want to," Tori taunted. André removed Tori's hand and got off the bed.

"Baby, what is going on? Are you high?" André asked. Tori shook her head.

"No. I'm ready. Please, André. I need this. The last person I was with raped me. I can't get that out of my head. If we do it, the last image of sex in my mind will be you. Please," she begged. André wanted to make Tori happy and in his mind, this made sense. Foolish. André got back on the bed and pulled Tori into a passionate kiss that grew. Before they knew it, Tori's plan was in motion and there was no going back.

8:16 AM

André came out of Noah's room with a huge smile on his face and all of his stuff. He was called into an early practice and had to go, but made sure to show his baby some love, before leaving. Tori sat at the kitchen table with her mom, since her dad had taken Noah to school. "Good morning, Mama Kellz. Good morning, baby," André said, side hugging Laura, then moving to Tori. He went to peck her lips but ended up staying for a few seconds longer.

"Ahem," Laura coughed, breaking up the two. "Goodbye, André. See you at church," she said. Tori waved him off and the two watched him leave, before getting back to breakfast. "That was some kiss," Laura murmured. Tori blushed a bit, before biting into her toast. "I hope you used a condom," Laura randomly guessed, catching Tori completely off guard. The 19-year-old steady choked on her food for a second before composing herself.

"How did you know?" Tori's strained voice asked. Laura rose an eyebrow and dropped her knife on her plate.

"You just told me," Laura sighed. "Goodness, Victoria! We give you an inch and you take a mile!" The frustrated mother yelled.

"It was only one time," Tori tried to justify. Laura rolled her eyes and grabbed the dishes from breakfast.

"It only takes one time, Tori! Did you guys at least use a condom?" Laura asked. Tori shook her head but shrugged.

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