Fatal Flaw

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two weeks later — July 7th

8:17 AM

Tori and André sat at the Kelly family homes breakfast table before a long day of moving ahead of them. "So, what's already over there?" Laura simply asked, knowing that the kids had had the keys for a few days. Tori rolled her eyes and nudged her boyfriend.

"We were supposed to have the cribs and rocking chairs over there, but somebody fell asleep instead of packing up the stuff we just bought," Tori blamed. André sighed, dropping his spoon in the cereal bowl.

"I said I was sorry—"

"You wouldn't have to be sorry if you'd—"

"Enough!" Laura yelled. "What is wrong with you guys? You got here mad at each other yesterday, and you've been nonstop arguing all day today," Laura observed. Tori folded her arms and with a hard eye roll. She'd just ignited World War T.

"If he'd just listen to me instead of acting like a know-it-all, maybe we'd be moved in," Tori blamed, causing André to scoff. "No we'd definitely be moved in. I wanted to get a house as soon as we got back because I knew this would happen!" Tori yelled. "But no, he's so freaking lazy!" André slumped in his chair with an eye roll.

"I'm lazy? I spent all yesterday breaking down our furniture and packing the u-haul," he fought back.

"You broke down a bed and a dresser. Caelan did more and he only stayed for an hour! And you packed the U-haul with all the boxes that I packed alone. Plus, you broke the vanity mirror!" Tori corrected. "But, you didn't hear me complaining when my sciatic was on fire or when I was nauseous, because I had to suck it, and push through it! Like you should've yesterday!" Tori smartly replied. She was tired of André's incessant whining. He didn't hear her talk about the weight of his kids on her pelvis. Or the crazy number of times she's had to pee. Or the amount of sleep she'd lost just carrying them. She shut up and suffered in silence because she quickly learned that that's what moms did. However, all of that fell on deaf ears. André did not care and wasn't trying to hear it.

"I didn't break the mirror, it chipped. And I told you to stop pushing yourself!" He yelled back. Laura rolled her eyes, watching the couple go at each others throats.

"If I didn't push myself, nothing would get done! God knows I can't push you! You'd refuse to breath if someone told you you had to. You're so stubborn," Tori groaned, getting up from the table and heading to the backyard for a breather. Laura rolled her eyes and followed her daughter as Allwyn turned towards André.

"You two are annoying," he grimaced, cutting into his pancake.

"Tori! Was that really necessary?" Laura started as Tori took a seat at the glass table. "That is the father of your children. Can you guys try to work together like the couple you are?" Laura asked. Tori bit her lip as her true feelings started to boil over.

"What if we can't be a couple, anymore? Everyone says kids change your relationship and ours has gotten worse. I'm overwhelmed, all the time. I'm in pain, all the time, but I feel like I'm literally doing this alone. I had to beg him to call Caelan over just to get the little bit that he did done," Tori stressed. "Mom, I have to raise my boys. I don't want to raise my boyfriend, too. Why can't he see that I need help?" Tori started to cry, as all of her frustrations caught up to her. Laura took the seat across from her daughter and grabbed her hand.

"You're a dumbass. I don't even know how she's put up with you for this long," Allwyn bluntly said.

"I know." André rolled his eyes. "You don't like me, I get it."

"I'm not your biggest fan. But I was willing to put in the work if you were. I thought we talked about this. Tori is a woman of action. If she needs something done and you aren't doing it, pregnant or not, she will get it done herself," Allwyn insightfully spoke.

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