Twenty Pt. 2

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6:11 PM

Everyone sat around the Kelly family dining room table eating and having a great time. The night was going a little bit better from the rocky start and Laura had agreed not to tell Allwyn about the sex thing if everyone agreed to celibacy. "So, what's the plans for tonight? Any parties?" Laura asked. Tori picked at her cake and shook her head.

"Dré has a game at 8 and then we have to pack. Plus, I'm exhausted. So no partying for us," Tori answered. She laid her head on André's shoulder, dreading the drive back home. Allwyn saw his daughter demeanor, but Laura saw through it. She knew Tori wasn't still upset about earlier. There had to be more.

"Tori. Bedroom. Now," Laura said, getting up and taking Tori into the privacy of her childhood bedroom. This momma Bear was worried and need answers.

Once alone, Tori plopped onto her bed as her mom took a seat infront of the keyboard. "Spill it. What's going on? Are you taking your meds?" Laura asked. Tori rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"I hate them. I can't sleep with the uppers and I can't focus with the downers. I'm fine without them. I'm sleepy. I just haven't gotten much sleep lately," Tori replied, glancing at the tray of medicines that hadn't even been touched in the last two weeks. Laura sighed. She was staring at the frame of her daughter, but could see right through the portrait. Tori's eyes were low, her posture slumped, nothing about her screamed "alive".

Laura's eyes met Tori's and in the snap of a finger, Tori broke. Tears flooded her eyes and her hands immediately flew to cover her face. Laura quickly moved across the room and stood before her daughter, holding her tightly as she wept. "Babygirl, what is going on?" Laura asked. Tori wiped her eyes and looked up to her mother.

"I'm 20," she whispered. "I'm overwhelmed. We have so much to pack in so little time. I'm tired. I'm overworked in all aspects of my life. I just need to sleep," Tori hyperventilated. Laura smacked her lips and got an idea, she left out as André came in with a small black bag. "No, go away," she mumbled out of embarrassment. With a kind smile, André got on one knee before Tori.

"Baby, look at me," his husky voice called. Tori removed her hands and looked down to see André holding a diamond encrusted ring before her. Laura came back in, but silently stopped at the sight. "Baby, I know you're tired and I know that I can be a handful. But, I want to be your handful. After everything that went down earlier, I knew it was Gods way of showing me that this can't wait any longer," he smiled. Tori had no idea what was happening, but she was not about to interrupt. "So, I know you wanted something simple, and I will save that for the actually engagement, but I want this ring to be a promise ring. A ring that signifies our promise we made to your parents, to each other, and most importantly to God. We know that there are somethings we just aren't ready for and that's okay, but I am ready for this," André smiled, slipping the ring on her finger.

"Awe, baby, I love it," Tori beamed. André stood up to meet her face and immediately attacked it with a passionate kiss. Laura's hand slipped over her heart as she watched her daughter come into her joy. It was almost as if Tori had done a 180. With André around, she was happy and not fake happy, genuinely happy. Her smile was brighter, her eyes were fuller. She looked like a new person. 

"Alright, you two," Laura said, separating the couple. "I talked it over with dad. You are going to take a nap. Dad will take André to his game and you can pick him up after you've gotten some rest," Laura said. Tori shook her head and wiped her eyes.

"No, mom that's okay. I wouldn't want to do that to dad. It's really far. I'm okay. André will drive and I will sleep on the way back," Tori tried. Laura shook her head and glanced at André. He could see she wanted him to tell Tori to stay, because she would listen to him. And he could see the urgency for Tori to get some rest since they didn't want her getting sick in a new environment come the end of the week.

"Baby, listen to your mom. I'm okay. I need you to be okay. Get some rest. Spend the night if you have to. We have a lot to do tomorrow and I need you on your A-game since you keep our lives a float," André said. Tori knew he was right. If she wasn't wide awake, they'd both forget something they needed to ship and be screwed. So, Tori smacked her lips with a sigh, then pecked his lips once more.

"Fine," she groaned. "Just make sure to get your bag and shoes out of the trunk," Tori reminded, lying back in her bed and getting under the blanket.

"I will, love. Get some sleep. I'll see you later," he smiled. "Happy Birthday." And with one last kiss, André left out of the room with Laura not too far behind. As soon as the door shut, Tori was out like a light.

9:45 PM

André sat outside the stadium with Caelan talking and waiting for their girlfriend's. Most everyone had walked to the nearest frat house to party, but André had to pack and Caelan had to study. However, while waiting, Caelan decided to catch up on his buddy's love life. "You ready to be living with Tori, just you and she?" The junior asked. André shrugged, before stretching out on the cold metal bench.

"I mean, yeah. We live together now, so it's no big deal," he nonchalantly replied. Caelan's eyebrow popped with a laugh.

"Not a big deal? Bro, you crazy. When Maggie and I moved in together, just us, things changed. That's when we saw how our relationship really went," Caelan informed. André brushed him off with folded arms.

"Dude, you're capping. Tori and I aren't changing. We live together now. We know what's up," André chuckled.

"Hmm," Caelan mumbled, "well do your parents know what's up? Has she met them yet?" Caelan asked. André immediately went silent. He had told his parents about Tori and they definitely knew of her and talked to her on the phone, but there was never a good time to meet. And now they were leaving, so to André there was no point in coordinating a shindig this late in the game. "That's what I thought," Caelan smirked. "Hey, just don't pull an On My Block and bring her home pregnant. Apparently, that doesn't fly well with parents," he laughed as Tori's car pulled up in front of them. André matched his expression and dapped up his friend.

"Nah man it's not even like that." André denied, since sex was officially off the table. "You want a ride?" He offered, moving to the edge of the curb about to throw his stuff in the back. Caelan shook his head as a short, red head walked up to him.

"See you, man!" Caelan called, before walking off with Maggie. Tori watched André chuck his stuff into the backseat, then hop in the front.

"How was the game?" She asked, before he pecked her lips, then got situated in his seat.

"The usual. I was MVP and we won," he playfully shrugged, putting on his seat belt. Tori glanced to him in disbelief.

"Winning has become so nonchalant to you now?" She laughed. "You are a special breed, Murillo," Tori joked, putting her car in drive and taking off to their humble abode.

10 PM

The couple walked into the dark apartment to see a small cupcake on the counter with a lit candle in the middle. Tori looked back to André, who wore a wide smile. He dropped his gym bag by the door and guided her to the kitchen. "Baby, what is this?" Tori smiled. André stood behind her; his hands on her waist.

"This your birthday cupcake. I got it from that bakery you love by your parents house before my game. Michelle picked it up and brought it here. And then I had her light it while we were down the hall," André answered. Tori tilted her head back towards André and pecked his lips, lightly.

"Thank you," she smiled. Soon, Tori found herself turned around with her arms wrapped around his neck. "Thank you for everything. These past 4 months have been the best and worst of my life and I'm glad you were by my side the entire time," Tori appreciatively spoke. André dropped his head to hers and leaned his hand against the island behind her.

"You are my Babygirl. I'm with you til the end. Remember?" André smiled, taking her left hand down and holding it between them to show off the promise ring. He, then, folded their fingers together and used his left hand under Tori's chin to pull her into a sweet kiss. "Happy Birthday."

To Be Continued...

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