Have Mercy

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A Month Later — May
10 AM

Tori stood proudly in her clean closet, seeing all of her and André's stuff organized and put away. With nothing better to do, she unpacked everything and did some light cleaning, since Michelle and Tyler kept the place up pretty well while they were gone. "Baby!" André called from the bed, where he's stayed since they got back from her parent's house. Tori shut the light off and left the closet, grabbing a few things that went on the dresser including the ultrasound and a couple of important papers for her next visit.

"Yes, sir," Tori replied, as she started to organize the messy dresser. André turned down the basketball game on the TV and sighed.

"Babe, you look so, beautiful," he tried to seduce. Tori looked down at her old t-shirt and running shorts in disbelief. A laugh left her lips while she pushed her damp hair behind her ears and continued to clean.

"You're funny," Tori said. André pouted at her through the mirror with his arms folded. When Tori met his eyes in the mirror, she smacked her lips. "Babe, we've gone four months. I think you can continue to hold out until we get married," she continued. She was serious about not having sex again. For one, the doctor freaked her out about her uterus contracting if she had an orgasm, which she rarely didn't with André. And second of all, she was not in the mood. Her sex drive was at an all-time low and she honestly was not about that life anymore. "You need to stop focusing on getting laid and start thinking about where we are putting this baby. The apartment is great, but Addi and this baby, if it's a boy, can't share a room. And we don't have anywhere to put another kid," Tori said. She was genuinely concerned because after the first year she was going to want her own room back and not to have to worry about what the baby does and doesn't see, assuming she and André got married before the baby's first birthday. André looked around the large room with a shrug.

"Well, until we start house hunting and such, we can put the crib or whatever over there by the window," he lazily pointed. Tori glanced to the small section of room between two tall dressers. "Alright, done," he chuckled. Tori rolled her eyes and threw an empty water bottle at him.

"I'm serious, Dré," she giggled. "This baby will be here in four months and we don't know where it's going to grow up," Tori sort of stress. André held out his hand and pulled her to lean against his good leg as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Baby, we don't even know what it is yet," he said. He had no plans to kick things into high gear if he didn't know the gender or didn't see a head. And at the moment neither was the case.

"We don't have to know to start planning. We know the baby is coming. That should be enough," Tori whined. André moved the baggy t-shirt that covered his girlfriend's stomach and placed his hand on Tori's very present bump.

"Baby, we can't do much for the next couple of months. I don't get an ancle brace for another two months, so we have to wait until I'm mobile anyways. Don't stress fetus out over something we can't do anything about," André said, pecking Tori's lips. Through the kiss, Tori moved André's hand from her bump and interlaced their fingers.

"Thank you," she smiled, pulling away from him. "But you're not slick," she smirked, removing his other hand from her butt. "Go back to you're game. I'm going to get a snack," Tori informed. She reached over her boyfriend, and grabbed the water bottle she'd previously, thrown at him.

10:15 AM

Tori laid next to boyfriend, scrolling through his phone as he watched the game intently. "Babe, did you tell Caelan I'm pregnant?" Tori rhetorically asked, seeing the answer in front of her.

"I mean, yeah. He's like my brother," André shrugged. Tori rolled her eyes.

"Well, did you tell him not to tell anyone?" Tori asked. A knock on the door pulled a groan out of Tori as she threw André's phone at his chest and got out of the bed. "Fix this. I do not need this all over campus," she said, before leaving the room.

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