On Sight

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sunday morning

Tori woke up in her bed at 6 AM and started her morning with a text from André saying he was home, like she told him to do. Quickly, she formed a good morning text and dropped her phone in her bed to get ready for the drive she was about make. A huge part of her wanted to hop back in bed and wake up hours later to work on music, but she couldn't. She had a duty to God and she was going to stick by it. Even if she was exhausted.

6:45 AM

Tori pulled up outside of André's dorm in her black Honda Civic coupe and pulled out her phone.

Baby T: I'm outside! Let's go!
Scrub: coming

Tori dropped her phone in her lap and pushed her still damp hair behind her. Since she was running late and had to be at her parents house by 7, she wasn't concerned about blow drying her hair. André hopped into the car, causing Tori to gag from a mixture of weed and cologne. "Oh my gosh," she coughed. "I can't tell if sat in a tub of your cologne while smoking or sat in a tub of weed while the shower head poured your cologne over you. All I know is that you have to air out before we get to my parents. Especially with the weed. I thought you were getting clean," Tori said, letting down the windows and heading towards the highway.

"I didn't smoke, but my roommate does. I told him to chill, but he won't listen," André explained. Tori shook her head and merged into the clear highway.

"Oh my goodness," she mumbled. "Maybe you need a new roommate," Tori playfully suggested, so she she didn't come off as that type of girl. André shrugged and pulled out his phone.

"That is probably right," he agreed. A few minutes of scrolling caused André to gasp and glance at Tori to see if she'd noticed his reaction. Thankfully she was stuck in her own little world, so he could get a handle on the conversation. "Hey, T," André called. Tori glanced at him before looking back to the open road.

"Yes, sir," she replied. André nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Uhh, do you know where Josh is? Like would you be able to get in contact with him?" André asked. Tori shrugged.

"I mean, I haven't seen him since we left high school and I don't think he went to college. Why?" She asked. André tried to control his anger and took a deep breath.

"Because, this guy, Josh, just sent me a bunch of naked pictures of you. Some in bed and some in his car. Oh look and now there's a video," he said. Tori tensed up, unsure of any videos or pictures that could've been taken of her, especially naked. André opened up the video to see, who he could assume was, Josh on top of Tori, who looked like she was passed out. "This asshole!" André fumed. Tori snapped out of her thought and lightly punched André's shoulder.

"Hey, language! What happened that could be so bad? Okay so there are pictures, he hasn't released them to anyone," Tori said optimistically.

"Pull over," André barked. Tori noticed his disposition and did as she was told. Once safety on the shoulder of the highway, Tori parked her car and turned to André.

"What is it? We're gonna be late," Tori asked, getting slightly annoyed. André took a deep breath and showed her the video. He watched her eyes change as the video progressed. A mixture of the sound and content of the video forced Tori out of the car and dry heaving threw tears on the side of the road. André followed without question and rubbed his hand along her back. Once sure she wasn't going to full on vomit, Tori stood up still nauseous and was immediately pulled into a protective hug by André. "I-I- I don't remember that," she stuttered into his chest. André pulled Tori into the passengers side and got in on the drivers side.

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