Your Charger

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11:18 PM

Tori and her crew rolled up to Dylan Ivery and the Alpha's house after winning the third game of the season. The couples, Jordin and Dana, and Kayla and Ryan quickly broke off. AJ and Tim soon fled to the backyard for music and girls in bikinis. Leaving Kamari, Tori, and JoJo alone. "I'm gonna get us some drinks, what do you want?" Kamari asked. Tori looked around to see what everyone was drinking and there were so many different things that she chose the safest bet.

"Seagram's or sex on the beach," she replied. JoJo nodded in agreement before seeing a girl from the other night, leaving Tori alone at the entrance of the dining room turned beer pong table. Tori watched as student-athletes, nerds, musicians, and drug addicts alike came together to party and have a good time without the drama. She sort of, but not really, watched a bunch of guys suck at beer pong before a strong arm flew past her face and onto the wall next to her.

"Babygirl, you made it," the slightly inebriated basketball player grinned. Tori tried he best to keep from rolling her eyes and folded her arms.

"André, what an unpleasant surprise," she forcibly smiled. André shrugged and pulled a white chord from his pocket.

"I saw you at the game, and I figured you were probably gonna come to the party, so I held on to this for you," he smiled. Tori took back her charger and shoved in her back pocket.

"Thanks," she simply replied. The two stared at each other in awkward silence for a second before André took another sip of his beer.

"So, this may sound a bit forward, but do you wanna get out of here?" he asked through a giggle.

"Yeah... you're right that is forward. We met today. You don't know me and I don't know you. I could be a murderer. I could have a disease, and you're already ready to bed me. Eww," she grimaced, walking away to find Kamari, leaving André dumbfounded. The basketball player watched his muse walk away towards the kitchen in sheer shock. This had never happened before. Usually he could get any girl in his room before he could finish the question. This girl, "Tori", was gonna be a challenge. A challenge he was ready to take on, for sure.

the backyard

Tori, AJ, Kamari, and JoJo sat in the cabana near the pool talking and drinking, as the party hit its peak. Everyone was a sober as they were gonna be for the rest of the night, and people started shooting their shots. Sadly, while André was the first of the night, he was not gonna be the last. "I'll be back," Tori said, bowing out of the debate between which is worse a hangover or a bad trip.

As she walked towards the bathroom a tall, handsome man stepped in front of her. He was clearly drunk, and probably wouldn't have tried this sober. Tori knew who he was, she had seen him a couple of times in her Calculus class. His name was Edward or Eddie Holcroft. He was British and uber smart. But, not her type.

"Hey, beautiful," he smirked. Tori flash a small smile and tried to move past him.

"Hey, Eddie," she sort of whispered. As she moved to the right, he moved to the left completely blocking any traffic in or out of the house.

"Where you headed off to so fast?" He asked, not caring about the answer. "See, I was thinking that you and I could go chat for a bit. I've been thinking about you for a while, but I never had the courage to talk to you," he tried. Tori sighed and glanced him up and down. His shirt was more than wrinkled, his pants cut off at the calf, his hair was a mess, he looked like he was having a rough night, before he started drinking and Tori was too sober to even engage with him.

"I don't think that's a good idea. I wouldn't necessarily say I feel like that," she shot down as gently as possible. "So, if you don't mind," she said, trying to politely push past him.

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