Suit Up Daddy

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Tori dropped onto her bed as her mother shut her door behind her. "Are you trying to make your brother an only child?" Laura asked. Tori sat up and pulled her legs into a crisscrossed position as she picked at her Victoria's Secret blanket on the bed.

"He just makes me so angry! Like, why can't he just trust that I've grown up!" Tori yelled. Laura leaned against the keyboard that was currently off and folded her arms.

"Can you blame him? Tori, you weren't the easiest kid to work with at times. After your lose on that show, you spiraled. There were nights where Dad and I sat up waiting for you to come home. We didn't know where you were or what you were doing, but we prayed that God would protect you. And he did-"

"Oh really!" She screamed. "He was protecting me when I was lying right here, unconscious on my bed, being raped by guys I don't even know and my own boyfriend?" Tori yelled, driving her fingers into the comforter covered mattress. "He was protecting me when I was drugged, stripped, and photographed by the guy that I trusted? Seriously? You wanna know why I didn't go to church today? Because today I found out that the God that I served didn't give a shit about me!" Tori yelled. Laura was taken back. She had never heard Tori swear or yell or be this passionately upset. She was also stunned to find out about her daughter's new cause of pain. Despite the shock, though, Laura had to bring her daughter back to her roots.

"Yes. He was," Laura's shaky voice professed. "He protected you from these pictures getting out. He protected you from contracting a disease. He protected you from the knowledge of the evil that had taken place when he knew you were too fragile to handle it. He protected you from becoming a mother before you were ready. He protected you, Tori. So, you better give God all of the praise right now, because had his hand not been over you. All of those things and worse could've come to fruition," Laura strongly declared. Tori knew in her heart of hearts that she didn't blame God, but she couldn't blame herself and she was too scared to blame Josh. Because if she blamed Josh then he wasn't just the jerk that left her after sleeping with her. He was the jerk that raped her, let his friends rape her, took naked photos of her, and left her after they slept together and that was too much to handle. She claimed she was over him, but before she met André, if Josh had called and said he wanted her back, she would've gone in a heartbeat.

"I can't handle this! He didn't even send those pictures and videos to me! He sent them to Dré! How can I answer for something that I can't even remember? I have no memory of those nights," Tori asked, tears of frustration welling in her eyes. Laura felt her anger redirect her towards the door, she walked out as Tori's calls fell on deaf ears.

André swallowed the knot in his throat as Allwyn stared viciously into his eyes. "What is she talking about?" he snarled one more. André shook his head.

"I-I don't feel comfortable telling you, sir. I think Tori should be the one to tell you," André stumbled. In a flash, André was pulled to his feet, but the face before him was feminine. Only then had he realized that Mr. Kelly had been pushed to the side and replaced with a smaller, but mightier force.

"Is this a game to you? You thought you would worm your way into my daughter's heart so you can pimp her out to your friends like Josh? Huh?" She yelled. Terror filled André's eyes as confusion took over his mind. How did he become the reason behind Tori's revenge porn and defilement? André's brain scrambled to find a response, but the only reaction he could muster was panic.

"Mom! André didn't know! It wasn't his fault! Stop!" Tori screamed through tears.

"Don't defend him, Tori! He's just like them! You, being naive, don't see how at first it's just sitting on the bed and before you know it you're in it with a hidden camera pointed straight for you," Laura replied. Tori could see that her mother was just paranoid, but Tori couldn't let her run away the first guy that made her feel comfortable all the time.

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