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4:02 PM

Tori sat in the booth with her guitar messing around, putting together some sounds to see what felt right for her first album. She everything was meshing and life was melting away. She wasn't thinking about André or her parents or Josh. She was just focused on her music.

I've got an unbreakable smile.

Tori hummed, making sure she wrote those lyrics down. Scooter watched in awe as Tori pieced her song together. He'd never seen an artist get so lost in the music and really connect. His hand drifted to his chin as he watched her scribble down words and chords, then rework them to sound even better. cooter took a glimpse at his watch and quickly sat up. Time had gotten away from him while watching Tori and he definitely couldn't miss his dinner meeting. The manager hit the button to the sound booth and grabbed Tori's attention. "Okay, TK, come on out. Let's chat for a little," he suggested. Tori quickly put her stuff away and came out to sit next to Scooter in the second executive chair. "I have seen more than enough. I think you should come down to the office tomorrow so we can get some papers signed, and get this ball rolling. I want you to be on tour by April and the album released by June. How does that sound?" Scooter asked. Tori couldn't help but say yes. Everything about this felt right. The timing, the sound, the direction. She was finally moving to a place where her music would be heard farther and she was ready.


While Tori was living the dream, André was starring in a nightmare. He sat outside of a crummy apartment on the lower east side of LA, watching. He looked at the address one of Josh's exes gave him and sighed. He'd found the right place. Quickly, André puffed his chest and got out of his truck, catching Josh as he took out the trash. "Hey! Where is she?" He yelled, walking up to Josh and grabbing him the collar. André towered over the baseball player and jerked him around a bit before thrusting him against the nearest wall.

"Yo, my dude, chill! The fuck is you and who are you looking for?" He squirmed. André pushed against him harder with a mean mug.

"You don't remember me? You sent me nudes of my girl, trying to start stuff. And I promised her I wasn't gonna beat your ass on sight, but now she's missing and I need answers," he spat. Josh put his hands up in slight fear. When Maya said her ex was huge, he didn't realize she was that serious.

"I don't know what to tell you! She ain't here! I ain't seen that hoe in years!" He pleaded. André's phone started to ring, causing him to released Josh from one hand and check the caller ID.


"Baby, where are you?" André asked.

"I'm on my way to your place! You will never believe what just happened! I'm signed! Scooter called and he's signing me tomorrow! I know we fought, but can we put a pause on that? I want to celebrate tonight!" Tori beamed. André smirked and started to slowly nod.

"Whatever you want, babygirl. I'll see you at home, okay?" He said, before hanging up and dropping his phone in his pocket. "You got lucky," André snarled, dropping the 19-year-old on his feet, before drawing back and quickly punching the mess out of his jaw, forcing Josh to the ground. "That was for the pictures and videos," the basketball player said, before kicking Josh in the stomach. "And that was for calling her a hoe. Put some respect on her name, bitch," he yelled, before heading back to his car and bouncing.

4:45 PM

André came into his apartment and did his best cover his bruised knuckles. His sister, her boyfriend, and his niece were in the living watching TV. And he could only assume Tori was upstairs since her car was outside in her spot. "Hey, Dré!" Michelle smiled. André threw them a half wave and went directly to the freezer for something frozen to sooth his hand.

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