You're My Sunshine

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"I'm sorry, your what?" André freaked. Tori rolled her eyes and put her phone on speaker as she got up to change her clothes. "Your water can't break! You are only 34 weeks. I'm at work with a situation. So, you can't have a situation! Your water cannot break!" He full on panicked.

"Babe, calm down. I just went into labor. We can handle your situation before mine. What's wrong?" She calmly asked. Laura was impressed by the levelheadedness that Tori was displaying. She wasn't acting like her boys were on their way into the world. She didn't even act like she felt it. But Laura knew if her daughter was calm in the moment, she wouldn't be later.

"Uhh, well. CPS, just dropped Jasmine off at my job," André said wrestling to put the baby in her car seat and clock out at the same time. "Maya got an infection and is in the ICU. They don't know when she's getting out but they wanted the baby to be with a familiar person and they can't take her to Maya's parents," he continued to inform. Tori stopped in her tracks to give herself some time to process what was happening, before her blood pressure skyrocketed.

"Uhh, where are her parents? Why can't they take her?" Tori asked, throwing a few things into a backpack and grabbing the diaper backpack from the target bag. "Can you go put some stuff in here?" Tori whispered handing the bag to her mother. Laura agreed and ripped off the tag as she headed to the nursery.

"Who is that? Who's at the house?" André asked, a flood of relief washing over his body knowing that Tori wasn't alone.

"It's my mom," she panted, trying to catch her breath from moving around so much, so quickly.

"Oh, okay. Well, apparently her father is dead and her mother is on the other side of the country and wants nothing to do with her...because she's in jail!" André yelled. Tori bit her lip as she scrounged to finish packing she and André's backpacks.

"I—I don't..." Tori trailed off as another pain, which she thought was her sciatic, but was actually a contraction hit. "Baby, I cannot talk right now. Just come home, and we will figure something out," Tori heavily breathed. André could hear the struggle in Tori's voice, causing him to pick up his pace.

"I'll see you soon. Give me five minutes," he said, hanging up to get he and Jasmine home safely as she had a fit in the back of his truck. André hopped in the front and dropped his head on the steering wheel. The six months old screams in the back weren't helping his anxieties. "Jasmine, I know this was not how you imagine your day going, me either, but please work with me. I'm just as scared as you are," André broke, trying to catch his breath as tears streamed down his sweaty face. He was going to be father. That was still odd for him to wrap his head around.

Tori hung up her phone with her doctor and headed into her bathroom. Laura skidded back to her daughter's room and dropped the full diaper bag on the messy bed. She glanced into the full length mirror across from the bathroom door to see Tori running the water in the tub. "Honey, what are you doing? We have to go to the hospital," Laura asked, trying to stop her daughter. Tori moved her moms hands from the faucet and changed into her bikini in case her brother or dad walked in.

"I called my doctor. She said to wait for the contractions to pick up more before coming in. Since the boys are still moving and my contractions are fifteen minutes apart, we have time," Tori said, slipping into the warm, but not to hot water. The warmth and mechanics of the water helped take some of the pressure from the twins off of Tori's pelvis and gave her a bit more comfort for her back.

With a deep sigh, Laura sat on the edge of the tub as Tori laid back. "Are you nervous?" She asked, wanting to get a good read on Tori's head space before the chaos ensued.

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