Twenty Pt. 1

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12 PM

Tori laid in her bed on Instagram as she watched the time in the corner of her phone hit noon, before the device was snatched from her hands. "It's noon! Get over here!" André smirked. He tossed the phone to the other side of the bed and pulled her towards him, to properly wish her a happy 20th.

12:45 PM

The happy couple came down the stairs in pajamas, but this time prepared to mingle, only for their friends to be knocked out on the couch. They met Tyler at the island with Addi in hand eating cake and sipping some water. "What?" He asked, pointing his fork at the cluster of females on the couch. Tori waved them off and hopped onto the counter next Tyler, taking Addi into her lap.

"They pulled up at 5 AM, probably tipsy, thinking I was about to get up to celebrate with them. Like, no! I'm exhausted. Between school, music, and my family I don't have the time to party like I used too," Tori mumbled. André and Tyler could see the tired on Tori's face as she spoke and blew lazy raspberry kisses on the baby's cheek.

"You're not going out tonight?" Tyler asked. Tori shook her head and passed the baby to her uncle. "Why not? You're the big 2-0! You're no longer a teenager!" Tyler encouraged. Tori grimaced and leaned back on her hands.

"Nah. I'm probably going to drag Kamari to the gym with me, then go to Dré's game, come home and start packing," Tori listed. She had no interest in sneaking into bars or hanging out at frat houses. She was partially considering going to Isla Vista for the boardwalk and carnival, but honestly she just wanted to sleep.

"Well, then tonight, I will cook you a nice birthday dinner," Tyler offered. Tori twisted her head as her eyebrows stitched together. She had never seen him cook anything past ramen in the microwave and she definitely didn't want that for her birthday dinner.

"Tyler, since when do you ever cook?" Tori questioned, hopping down from the counter, definitely disrupting her appetite from the motion.

"Are- are you serious? I'm a chef at the Cajun Seafood Kitchen. I can cook," he said. "Michelle didn't tell you guys that?" He asked. Tori shook her head, watching Andrè pass the baby back to her father, allowing his baby to lean against him.

"Nope. She always said you were going to work, but never actually said where and we never cared to ask," Tori giggled, moving André's hands from her thighs to wrap around her waist.

"Sad," he playfully sulked, before taking his daughter upstairs to get her somewhat ready for the day. Tori took a deep breath and broke from her mans grip to start to clean the kitchen.

"What do you think you're doing?" Andrè asked, taking the used plates and forks from his girlfriend and placing them back on the counter.

"Cleaning up. You know I can't stand mess," Tori muttered, getting increasingly annoyed by the mess her friends had just left. André could see Tori was on edge and stepped between she and the counter.

"No, you're not. When they wake up, you know Jordin will make them clean, so got get ready for the gym. I'll workout with you and we can grab lunch while we're out," André suggested, dragging her towards the stairs. Tori rolled her eyes, knowing that if they went to the gym she wasn't going to do an actual work out and shook her head.

"I'll go tonight with Kamari. But let's do lunch," she tweaked, heading up the stairs to get dressed. André shrugged. He didn't care what they did so long as there was food involved. While he loved the food from Germany, he had less than a week to stock up on American cuisine to hold him over for the next 4 months.

2:30 PM

Tori sat in the stadium watching André and his team practice for the last time. As she texted back and forth with Scooter, she felt eyes on her and looked up to see some of the cheerleaders staring at her talking. Tori did her best to ignore them, but Victoria was starting to slip out. However, Tori didn't want to fight on her birthday and did her best to keep Victoria in check.

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