The Cottage

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Previously On Winter Nights

I didn't know what to do, I didn't know how to react. Should I go up to him? Or should I leave..I had no other choice. I had no where to go back to. I walk cautiously to the blond boy kneeling on the ground sobbing. I tapped his shoulder softly.

"Are you....okay?"

"Piss off!" He sobbed out. "Go away!"

"I'm not like the villagers, I won't hurt you."

He looked up at me slowly. His pale blue eyes gleaming with tears.

"I'm Frances..Frances Clure and you are?"

"Jim Maken" He faintly whispers.

I hold out my hand, he grabs it with his cold fingers.

I pull him up to his feet.

"Well its nice to meet you then, Jim" Giving him a little smirk.

He gives me a cheeky fake smile and goes back to his gloominess.

He walks off, but then turns around and holds out his hand.

"Aren't you coming?" he says walking back and taking my hand.

He grips my hand tightly and we start walking off.

Continuing on Winter Nights

"Hey..uh...where are you taking me?" I say stubbornly. We approach an old brick cottage. It had a oak tree just outside, along with two stacks of golden straw. The grass was green and fresh. Everything about it screamed home. Is this where he and Luka lived? Its beautiful, and i can only imagine what it looked like in the spring;

Flowers blooming everywhere, dizzy bees jumping from blossom to blossom. "..Come on.." Jim had the door open with his hand pointing inside. I walked in steadily..getting used to the new environment. As I went inside I felt a rush of excitement. "Wow this is.." I was interrupted by Jim.

"Don't flatter yourself, this is just a little cottage" I was suprised from his sudden burst of energy. He walked over to a wooden crate and opened it. He rummaged through the crate and pulled out clothes. He tosses me a night gown..for boys. "...I can't wear this.." Jim looked at me with suspicion in his eyes. I closed my eyes with annoyance. "Don't you know i'm a girl...?" I seethed through my teeth.

I got up and walked out without saying a single word. 'I cant believe this, he thought I was a boy, just cause my hair is short..I can't believe this..' As soon as I was outside. I broke down crying, I just want my mom, I don't wanna be here without her. I heard footsteps behind me. There was a tap on my shoulder. "Leave me alone..I want to be alone.." There was another tap. "I said I want to-" I turn around to see Jim handing me the nightgown again. "Why are you giving me this.." He takes my frail hand and takes me back inside.

When we got inside he sat me down on a chair. "Just wear it, its pretty comfortable." He is telling me to wear this, I don't think I can wear this. It looks so, new to me even though..I had a brother. "Its the only thing I have.." He says with a sad expression. So, its the only thing he has, I guess I have no choice but to wear it. But, there is nowhere I can get dressed now. Before I could say anything Jim walked out. So I got dressed, which was a bit confusing since its different than a girl's nightgown, very different..

"This nightgown is pretty comfortable..." I guess that was a sign for him to come in, since right after, he came into the room. But gladly I was done getting dressed. "Well, I will be going to sleep now.." While walking to the hammock I trip on..something. When I get up to see what it was, it was...a dead bird. "Why, don't you clean?" Then I walk to the hammock. When I lay down, a feel something new. I don't know what it is. Is this..admiration? I don't know anymore, but i'm getting tired. I think..I should go to sleep.

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