The Mansion is horrid

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I slip under his arm and run out into the mansions' hallway. All I see is doors passing my view, over and over again. Its making me dizzy, too dizzy to even blink or move. I began to run even faster, feeling the cold stare of someone following me. But then, I run into someone about my height. Our foreheads bump into each other, causing a huge ruckus in the hall. "I-I am so sorry.." I get up and helped the person get up. My forehead still hurts, and I end up brushing my afternoon clothing twice. Then I look up and meet a face with a sour expression. He had an eyepatch and a nice eye color of blue.

"Who are you, and what are you doing up here.." I fix my brown hair and look at him again. "I'm sorry sir, she apparently wandered into the garden, so I took her in." A hand was put on my shoulder and I flinched. There was a ring at the door. Sebastian hurriedly walked to the door to answer it. I then covered my face and went towards the door to get out of this horrid place.

As I am about to reach the door, someone hugged me tightly. "Where were you, I was so scared we had lost you." I opened my eyes and saw Alois with teary eyes. He rubbed his eyes and smiled. "Now lets go back home.." He took a hold of my hand and we were headed towards the door. "Wait Alois, let go." Then he pulled harder, trying to move my feet. I jerked my hand and walked backwards into someone, and I was put behind them.

Its the same person I bumped into in the hallway. He put me behind him and scowled. "Alois Trancy..what do you think your doing here without an invitation or a proper notification of some sort.." Alois smirked, and Claude walked next to him. "I am here to take back my friend." I widened my eyes and saw Sebastian go next to the person in front of me. "Just give her back and you won't get hurt.." Alois licked his lips. "Bring her back to me." He sticked his tongue out and slurpled it.

"You know what to do Sebastian" He took a hold of my hand, we then ran upstairs towards a door. We entered it, the room was complex and very neat. I pulled back my hand explored the room. In the corner I saw a violin, My eyes widened in excitement. I ran over to it and opened the case.

"I see you play.." My fingers ran through my hair. "Actually I haven't played, but I need to go back." His eyes closed and he walked towards me. Then something head started to hurt.

All I saw was his eyes widening in fear. He said something but I couldn't hear it. Then Sebastian runs into the room and takes off his gloves. Thats all I remember until I pass out.

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