The Circus ~ Part 23

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"S- Black...what are you doing here?!" My arms starts to tingle and I flinch. Black looks at my arms and sighs. He takes my wrist and licks it softly. When he lifts his head, he glares at me. "What did you do.." he takes my hand again and bites it, causing me to scream in pain. He licks his lips and smiles. "Demon..what did you do.." I say angrily. "I..was just hungry." He says smirking annoyingly.
"Sebastian did you find...Frances.." I see Ciel walk up to me and put his hands on my face and smiles. "Smile! I see you have met Frances.." Doll comes straight after fixing her wig. "Smile..would you come and take a look at her need to see something.
She holds her wrist back with all her strength, but it gets pulled up easily. When my wrist is showed to him, he gasps and takes it..rubbing over my skin. "I can't believe it..there is nothing on it.." he lets go of my arm and glares.
I look at my wrist and the cuts were gone..I gasp and put my wrist down running away from them. This time..while running. I felt faster than before, my eyes started to hurt, and I was more energetic. When I made a sharp turn I see a bathroom straight up ahead. I run into it panting exhaustedly. When I make my way to the sink, and wash my face over and over again.
I look into the mirror and scream. My eyes were a shade of deep eye brown, one eye red.

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