Frances's Past part 2

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My hand felt limp, so did everything. I don't know what happened or why..why I am in so much pain. I don't like this feeling. "P-phantomhive.." I whisper gently while trying to get up. The boy's eyes widen and he walks through the debris and helps me get up. "Are you okay?" he asks. I feel like there is a fire burning inside me, that I can't burn out..or let go. There is a sudden pain in my right side and I bend down trying to make it go away.
"Yep..I am just fine." He picks helps me up again. We are headed towards a dark forest. "I'll be back I need to find a light of some kind." I nod my head and he walks away. When he is out of sight I sit down and close my eyes.
"Are you in you need help little girl?"
My eyes open and I look around seeing a woman in the air. "I am here to make your dreams come true. I am Hannah and you are?" I stand up and walk to her side ..poking her sword on her hip.
"I am Frances..nice to meet you." The woman reaches up to me and touches my stomach. "What do you wish for Frances."
My eyes widen when she touches my stomach. I have a tingling sensation in my stomach now. "To see happiness in the people I love.." But then blood starts pouring out of my shirt. I lift up my shirt slightly and I see a mark. Its so difficult looking.
The mark has no explanation to it. Its so..weird looking. "Whats this?" I walk up to her and point to the mark. She chuckles and goes back to her expressionless face. "Its our contract mark. When your wish is fulfilled, I get your soul in return for helping you."
I gasp and my eyes start to water. "Your..gonna have my soul.." I start to cry and she disappears. "Wait! Don't go!"
Before you know it, I am all alone waiting for the boy to return. I end up sitting there for hours. So I return to my family.

A/N Okay so this is very confusing..let me just leave this here and find out a way to explain it. OKAI I GOT IT. At night two years before the get captured. She meets Ciel right? Okay so when Alois is asleep she goes to her parents and says she has a job..which makes no sense at all. So then yea..she then has a contract with Hannah owo Her mark is Ciel and Alois's contract mark. I just couldn't explain it so yea. Baii

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