My Ability to Fly | Part Two | ~ Part 21

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I was laying in bed thinking about what to do. I do wanna go back..but then, they would see my sorrow. The knowing of pain they will feel when I die. I just want them to be happy.

The door opens slightly and I turn around. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake ye up.." it was Joker. "You didn't wake me up..I was just thinking about things."

"Oh..well I need to ask yer something.." he says weirdly. I look at him with a confused look in my face. "Would you like to join our circus.." My eyes widen and I smile and nod. "Would you come down for a meeting then.." he says holding his hand out.

I grab his hand and I hold onto it tightly following him. We enter a room with cages and a table on the side of a mark in the middle of the room.."Whats gonna be your new name..."
"Frances..its..Frances" I say nervously. "Well then whats gonna be your new name.." Beast says excitedly. I look at her and put my hands behind my back. "I like..bunnies..?" She smiles and walks up to me. "Bunny..your Bunny now." She says with a toothy smile. Wendy gives me an outfit with cheetah print on it. "It fits you..Bunny." I turn around and head back up to my room without a sound.
This is gonna be fun..

A/N This is supposed to be short also..A.K.A the picture is Frances's outfit for the circus.

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