A Few Years Later...

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Previously on Winter Nights

I got up and walked out without saying a single word. 'I cant believe this, he thought I was a boy.' As soon as I was outside. I broke down crying, I just want my mum, I don't wanna be here without her. I heard footsteps behind me. There was a tap on my shoulder. "Leave me alone..I want to be alone.." There was another tap. "I said I want to-" I turn around to see Jim handing me the nightgown again. "Why are you giving me this.." He takes my frail hand and takes me back inside.

When we got inside he sat me down on a chair. "Just wear it, its pretty comfortable." He is telling me to wear this, I don't think I can wear this. It looks so uncomfortable. "Its the only thing I have.." So, its the only thing he has, I guess I have no choice but to wear it. But, there is nowhere I can get dressed. Before I could say anything Jim walked out. So I got dressed, which was a bit confusing since its different than a girl's nightgown.

"This nightgown is pretty comfortable..." I guess that was a sign for him to come in, since right after, he came into the room. But gladly i was done getting dressed. "Well, I will be going to sleep now.." While walking to the hammock I trip on..something. When I get up to see what it was, it was...a dead bird. "Why, don't you clean?" Then I walk to the hammock. When I lay down, a feel something new. I don't know what it is. Is this..admiration? I don't know anymore, but i'm getting tired. I think..I should go to sleep.

Continuing On Winter Nights

I wake up with a jolt of pain on my arm. "Hey wake up, i'm getting bored."
Damn, He can be so selfish sometimes. I just want peace and quiet. I turn to my side putting the pillow on my face. My arm can't take this boredom anymore. Each time he gets bored, i'm asleep, then he always hits my poor arm. He has gotten stronger in the past 5 years, so it hurts alot more. "Get up..i'm bored, so bored." He hits me on the arm..again. I get up slowly and turn to him with a devilish grin.

"I see...your bored, then lets play." I get up and grab his hand. "We are going to get rid of your boredom." Its payback time. This time, he will stop waking me up early in the morning hitting me in the arm. This is going to be fun, hysterical even. When we get outside I throw him on the ground and hit his arm. All I hear is Jim telling me to stop. This is more fun than I thought. But then unexpectedly he pulls my hair...I guess he gets an advantage since it goes to my shoulders.

I push him off and run towards the forest. He runs after me and I laugh, I am way faster than he is. When I am surrounded by trees I stop for a second and sit by a tree. All I hear is footsteps running past the tree that I'm sitting behind. I stifle my chuckle and I am finally out of breath. I sigh and close my eyes. It's been 5 whole years. Wow, it felt like a couple of months. When I open my eyes Jim is sitting in front of me looking at me with devious grin. He then reaches up to my arm and punches it this time.

He gets up and runs faster than before. When I get up and run after him, it only took a couple of seconds to catch to him. By then, I was behind Jim. I took a hold of his suspenders for a second, but then a bag was put over my head and my hand was pushed behind my back. I heard Jim scream for me, then there was a pull at my hand. But then soon after there was a pull on my other hand, I was being pushed back-and-forth between Jim and the mysterious person. It started to hurt, but then all of a sudden someone let go of my hand, making my hand sweaty. I then heard someone fall, my head started to turn and freak out.

I was being pulled and Jim..I assume, was being dragged, we were put into a vehicle, the person took off my bag and shut the door. I saw Jim passed out in front me with blood dripping from his nose. Tears were urging to come out my eyes. But I sniffed them out. I have to figure out where we are, and where we are going. But once again, i'm kind of scared to find out.

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