The Diary

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December 14, 1881 23:05

I just met Alois and I am already in his home. He must be asleep so, I have to write this. Its just been some hours since Luka, Alois's little brother, died. He was only 4 years old, he didn't deserve that. And Alois shouldn't feel this sadness, at this age. Even though I am..a year younger..I am more mature somehow. And do you know what I did right when he went to sleep. I much. I just want to know, why or how he died.

December 14, 1885 1:00

Today..I ran away from the home I have been living in for 4 years. I couldn't take it anymore..I am heading to my real home. Just to know that they worried..that they cared, that they at least tried to look for me. But..I miss home. Not the one with my parents, the one with Alois. And I regret leaving it. I have to head back/. But right now im on my bed writing this. My parents caught me walking from the staircase. All I heard was my name and I had to turn around. I had to, to see my parents once again. To feel their presence.

December 14,1885 20:37 burned down. I'm all alone now. The little boy, my parents, everything. Everyone is gone. I need to go home to Alois. And its just been some minutes since I got that contract mark. Hannah this demon took everything. Well..she will, when the people I love are happy. But thats not gonna happen. Cause I don't love people..they hurt me. And I shall not love one.

November 5, 1888 7:09

Its Alois's birthday. We are gonna celebrate it with great love and dignity. My birthday was about 2 months ago on the 15th. But I don't think that really matters anymore, cause i don't care about birthdays. They are suckish and childish, but for my best friend I am going to act like a lady and enjoy what ever happens today. First off, i don't like getting up early..and its very early. I usually wke up at lunch time and skip breakfast. But I guess I am going to eat breakfast with Alois, Claude, the triplets, and Hannah. Hmm...Hannah seems kind of familiar don't you think. I guess I shall go deep in my memories and remember what ever the connection is between us.

December 14, 1889 15:00

 I put on my wig and green contacts, hoping that no one would notice me. I know I'm not invited..but this is the last day I will see them. My contract will end, and I will die. This is the day of my friend's wedding, and I am going to crash it. 

December 14, 1889 17:11

I know its too late to apologize Alois, but..I'm sorry. I didn't mean I just couldn't take it anymore. I love you Alois. This is my last day. And all I have to say it..--------

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