My Ability to Fly | Part Three | ~ Part 22

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Its my first day in the circus, and I have to practice my skill. Which is acrobatics..I am going to practice by myself, which is gonna be really hard. I get up to the swing and I jump..quickly grabbing the bar.
Swoosh, swoosh, all I hear when I jump from bar to bar. When I am about to go on the stand. I grab on the last bar, but my hand slips..and I fall. Everyone gasps and someone puts a trampoline on the bottom of me. I see that its to far from where I am gonna land and I scream for help. Floating. I'm just flowing and floating down towards the ground. Then BOOM..I hit the ground.

.-.-.-2 houwas latea.-.-.-

I wake up in a room full of plastic body parts. It felt weird knowing that fake eyes were staring at you. But I appreciate that this person is creep in every fudging way. I get up and stretch, to get myself ready to walk. When I take step, it felt like I was stepping on a hundred pieces of glass.
I cry out in pain, but I keep on walking anyway. My feet hurt very, very bad and I couldn't take it anymore. So I ran to the nearest bench, sitting down carefully to make sure I don't hurt my feet any longer. I just wanted to get away from, so far away. When I turn I see a sharp object and I hold it tightly. 'They say they relieve pain..right?' I position the object just over that skin of my wrist. I shake my head ferociously and I cut. A single tear slips out so I wipe it. My head starts to get hazy..I couldn't remember a thing. When I hear someone coming, I put the object in my pocket and act normally. The person walks in front of me and says nothing. So instead I look up and see, "S-Sebastian?!" I say with confusion in my voice.
"Thats Black too you m'lady.." he bows and sit down next to me. "..Circus.." mumbles with a scowl on his face.

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