VI|Nightmares part 2

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There was forever in those eyes


I WASN'T EXPECTING TO BE trapped between the arms of James Potter this morning and then earning a threat for comforting him when he had a nightmare the night before.

"Bloody bastard I tell you" I finished my rant to Piper when we were making our way towards Divination.

"That was just rude" I continued "I mean he could at least say a thank you" Piper laughed.

"What happened?" Quentin asked joining us "James being an asshole" I mumbled as we entered the classroom, there wasn't many students yet since I had rushed Piper to hurry up.

"So look, James was having a nightmare and I was there to comfort him, and that bastard had the nerve to threaten me not to tell anyone about it, fucking twat didn't even say thank you" I said lowly so that only Piper and Quentin could hear me.

"And you're ignoring his threat and telling us" I looked at Quentin "Yes" I continued to ramble about how much I hated James.

"Potter is going to get it, because next time he needs me I won't help him" I said crossing my arms.

"Yeah right" Piper rolled her eyes as I pouted.

The three of us continued to chat away even when More students began piling in.

After divination we met up with Katherine and Daniel, and that brings us to right now. Five teenagers chatting away at the black lake.

"Do you guys ever wonder what had happened if Voldemort won?" Piper Asked.

"I mean, would our parents join the dark side in order to survive" she continued.

"Sure, I would do the same" Daniel Said.

"Hey does anyone know what happened to the fifth year the other day" I asked "I heard that McGonagall made her swear not to tell anyone" Kath Said And paused "I heard that the woman, and the man came looking for someone named The ice warrior or something" I shared a supposed look with Quentin.

He and McGonagall was the only one I told about my powers, I didn't even tell the others, of course my parents and brothers knew. It's not like I could hide it from them since they were the one that discovered it with me.

"Like really?" Daniel furrowed his eyebrows "Why would somebody at hogwarts have the nick name Ice warrior it sounds like the person is either from a fairytale or the person have some kind of talent" We all laughed.

"I mean anything is possible, after all we are witches and wizards imagine if the muggles found out" Piper chimes in.

"We should get going guys it's almost curfew" Quentin Said And helped Katherine stand up "aw how cute you guys" Piper and I giggled.

"I just wish someone was like that" She turned to look at Daniel "Hey, I don't want to marry you either" he put his hands up.

"Whatever" Piper mumbled but I could easily see through her, she actually love him.

Katherine opened the dormitory door and to everyone's surprise a sleeping James could be spotted on our bed.

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