VIII|Scary Sixth year

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People should fall in love with their eyes closed
- Andy Warhol


"YOU CAN COME VISIT HER" Madam Pomfrey has said before I bolted into the room and sat down in the chair besides Athena's bed.

"What happened to her?" I asked when Madam Pomfrey had returned.

"She got hit pretty bad, and she might be asleep for a few days" She began walking away.

"I'll inform her family" and with that she disappeared through the doors.

I held her cold hand, "If only you knew how much you meant to me" I sighed.


It had exactly six days since Athena got hit, and she was till fast asleep.

And every day i sat by her side, reading her books, Telling her about my day, and sometimes I would just sit in silence, admiring her.

Yes, I know it sounds creepy but, I don't even care anymore, I just waned her to wake up and comfort me whenever I had nightmare, I wanted her to tell me that everything was gonna be okay.

"Good morning Mr. Potter" Madam Pomfrey greeted me with the same smiles like the other days.

"Good morning" I said tired from the lack of sleep.

"You know, you should get more sleep" She looked at me with concern "I can't, especially knowing that Athena hasn't woken up yet" Madam Pomfrey sighed "Why hasn't she woken up yet?" I looked at Athena.

"Patience, James She will wake up, in time" She paused "Your remind me of a couple many years ago, they were your fathers best friends" The woman smiled at the memory.

"You mean, Uncle Ron and aunt Hermione?" I can't say that I was shocked, they did tell me that they got into some trouble.

"You should get to class" She ushered me out of the room.

I began walking towards potions when I heard an irritating voice.

"Yeah, if you ask me that Scamander deserves it, That little brat had it coming" The voice laughed.

I turned the corner to see none other than Charlie fucking Westenberg.

"Watch your mouth" I sneered as I walked past him.

"What?, has the James Potter gone soft for a Low class bitch like Athena Scamander" He stood in front of me.

"At least she has class, unlike you" I pushed him out of my way and walked away, only to be stopped by him again "You're just saying that because you're a disgrace to The potters" Just when he said that a fist collided into his face.

I looked to my right in shock.

"Thanks" I mumbled.

"Don't thank me, I didn't do it for you, I did it for Athena" He began walking away "you coming?" He stopped as I catch up to him.

"I'm Asher, Asher Prince"

"James Potter"

"So how do you know Athena?" I was curious.

"We met last year, She's like my sister" He walked into Potions class.

"Well I know her because, she's my future wife" I mumbled "Ah, yes she told me about it" he chuckled but suddenly he had a emotionless face "hurt her and I'll break all your bones" I nodded my head.

"Damn for a sixth year, you sure are scary" I laughed.

He smirked "I know"


Walking in to the hospital wing I saw Lorcan and Lysander Sitting besides Athena.

They were telling her memories.

I awkwardly coughed making them turn their heads towards me "Oh it's you" Lysander or Lorcan I couldn't tell said.

"Yeah it's me, how is she doing?" I went to stand by the end of the bed.

"Well she hasn't woken up yet" One Of them smiled Sadly.

"Heavy sleeper" The other one said and let go of her hand "we shall be going Lorcan" Lysander Said.

They both bid me good bye and walked out the door.

"Hello Athena" I said sitting down on the seat beside her.

"A lot happened today, Charlie was insulting you, and I of course defended you like always, oh and I also met your friend Asher, quite scary if you ask me, It would have been great if you woke up"

I felt my eyes starting to drop since I hadn't had the best sleep lately.

I mumbled a quick good night to Athena and let the darkness take over.

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