IX|Waking up

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I know I'm not perfect
but I felt pretty damn near in your arms.


I GROANED AND LOOKED AROUND I was in the hospital wing.

I made a move to sit up, when a grunt could be heard from beside me.

"What the bloody hell" I swore quietly.

Sitting there with his head rested on his arms was none other than James Potter.

"He's been here all night, Saw him sleeping so peaceful so I didn't want to wake him up" Madam Pomfrey came from nowhere.

"Poor boy hasn't gotten sleep since you got hit" She poured a glass of water for me "Why?" I was very confused.

"The lad was waiting for you to wake up of course" She smiled and pushed a tray of food towards me then left.

James moved in his sleep before fully waking up he looked at his surroundings first and then noticed me. "Athena!" He shouted and hugged me tightly as if I could disappear any moment.

"I'm awake" I hugged him back Feeling a tingling feeling in my stomach which made my heart race.

"I was worried sick, Merlin, never scare me like that again" He pulled back and cleared his throat.

"Why are you acting so lovely and emotional now?" I questioned him "Well for starters you are my future wife" He mumbled looking down.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you before, believe me I had a stupid reason, plus I was young and naive back then, so you can tell how It was gonna turn out, wow the weather outside is really- I'm rambling, sorry" I laughed as he scratched the back of his neck.

"It's alright Potter" He grinned and watched as I ate.

"You know I missed you" He plopped his head on his palms "I mean because the nightmares" I chuckled.

Even though I had hated James before I couldn't help but feel a slight tugging on my heart hearing him say that.

"How many days was I asleep for?" I drank some water "Nearly seven days" James answered with a shrug.

Okay now I was starting to get hurt.

"Oh" was all I managed to say.

"Don't you have class?" James shook his head "It's Saturday" He simply said.

I had missed almost a week of school. Shit.

"Damn Alright" I pulled the cover off me. Instantly regretting it as the coldness tickled my bare skin.

"Where are you going?" James day me down again "To get ready for class" I tried to fight back but of course James being taller and being on the quidditch team, he had more advantage.

"Calm down would ya, I told you already it's Saturday" I stopped fighting and dropped on the hospital bed again.

"Right" I mumbled and took a bite of the toast I had been eating before.

~ ~ ~ ~

Time seemed to to faster, it had already gone some days since I woke up.

Immediately when I was released from the hospital wing I had been summoned to Headmistress McGonagall's office. Where she asked how I was doing if I saw the face of my attacker, and she also told me my mum and dad had came by and visited me multiple times.

After that everything went back to normal, except for Asher whom was always asking how I was, if I was feeling sick etc.

I had also managed to catch up to what my classes were learning about.

Sitting in the owlry I was thinking of what to write to my mum and dad.

Dearest, mum and dad

I heard that you both had visited me when I was asleep.

Everything has gotten back to normal except for Asher being over protective of me. You know how he is sometimes.

Anyways I just wanted to tell you that I am completely fine, please say hi to Grandpa for me

To the moon and never back, Athena

A sigh left my lips as I watched my owl fly away into the distance.

"Fancy seeing you here" I jumped slightly and turned around to face Asher.

"Good morning" I smiled at him "Athena it's nearly eleven" he looked at me with a look he always gave me instead of scowling.

"What are you doing here?" I suddenly got curios "no special reason at all" he said too quickly "is it a" I gasped "girl?" I leaned closer "is Asher Prince having his first crush in his whole life?!" I gasped again but loudly this time "I think I might faint, tell me whose the girl" He turned red.

"She's a Hufflepuff, you wouldn't know her" He smiled "Gryffindor And a Hufflepuff, ah I see" Asher mumbled something about how I was annoying and shut up.

Suddenly all the color was drained from my face, the clock was eleven.

"Fuck I need to get back!" I exclaimed and began stuffing my belongings into my backpack.

I bid Asher good night with a hug and ran full speed towards the Ravenclaw tower.

I answered the riddle quickly and ran up to my room.

I opened the door and with a terrified look I stepped inside being careful to close the door gently.

James was shaking violently and tears streamed down his face.

He was muttering something along the lines of 'I'm sorry it's all my fault' 'Let her be' and 'Please forgive me'

Casting the familiar silencing spell around our bed again I took his shoulders and began shouting at him to wake up.

"James please wake up!" I shouted.

He bolted up and looked around the room then his gaze finally landed on me "Where were you" He asked me, his voice slightly breaking at the end.

He looked at me with an emotion in his eyes, hate, Sadness and disappointment.

"I'm sorry, I was in the owlry" I held his hand in mine "I'm so sorry" I looked away.

"It's alright" he laid back down pulling me with him "what matters is that you're here now" he said quietly.

And before I even knew I fell asleep in his arms.

~ ~ ~ ~

I'm writing this chapter at midnight, and I have to get up in six hours R.I.P me.

Still though hoped you enjoyed the chapter.


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