XIV|A plan

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"Please Everybody quiet down!" Professor Longbottom yelled.

"Every house shall spend the night in the great hall" McGonagall rushed her words as Madam Pomfrey was levitating Asher towards the Hospital wing.

"What the fuck" Scorpius came over to me. He too was shaking, "Is he going to live?" Professor Longbottom led all of us to the great hall where sleeping bags where scattered all over the ground and the tables were pushed aside. "Let's just sleep and we'll visit him tomorrow" I got into a sleeping bag next to Katherine and Scorpius.

The next morning I rushed to the hospital wing along with Scorpius to see Asher "How is he?" I took a hold of His pale, cold hand "He is going to survive that's for sure" Madam Pomfrey chuckled "What happened to him?" Scorpius took the seat across from me "The lad got hexed, badly may I add" She nodded before mumbling about another patient and turning away quickly.

"What do you think he was doing out so late?" Asher was still asleep "Maybe he was at the library?" Scorpius scoffed "Knowing him he would probably be meeting up with that girl- what's her name?"

"You mean Olivia?" He nodded "Yes, her" Asher moved in his sleep after the mention of Olivia.

"Seems like he has fallen in love with her" Scorpius And I laughed "That's a possibility"

"I'm not in love"

Asher was waking up.

"Y-you bastard!" I yelled hitting him "Bloody hell woman can't you see I'm hurt?!" Asher rubbed his sore shoulder "What were you thinking?!" I yelled again hitting him with a newspaper roll "You irresponsible Little rat!" Asher grinned "I'm a tiger, remember?" I only glared at him "Sorry" Scorpius giggled like a schoolgirl.

I hugged him tightly then Scorpius joined in on the hug, Soon after that we were all in classes —Except for Asher of course— "How's Asher doing?" Daniel Asked when I walked into Transfiguration. "He woke up" He nodded. Headmistress McGonagall rushed into the room to begin her lesson when Professor Longbottom Interrupted her.

"Pardon me but can i borrow Miss Scamander?"

McGonagall nodded as I made my way towards them. Standing outside the door were people I never expected. Kingsley Shacklebolt And Harry Potter stood there smiling at me "An I arrested?" Was the first thing I asked.

They laughed "No, We just need to talk to you" Kingsley said with a warm smile "We need you to come with us" Harry chimed in. So I followed them out to Headmistress McGonagall's office.

"It's about your special powers" Harry began "You See, Athena you're destined to achieve great things in life" He continued "excuse me but can you just get to the point?" I was becoming more anxious "Just like you're mother" Harry chuckled.

"Athena Scamander you are no longer safe" Kingsley interrupted him "There are people who have heard of your powers, and they fear you, so they want you dead, they did not know who you are until you saved that fifth year" My jaw dropped, "These people are everywhere" Harry said with a sad smile.

"But what about the others with powers?" Maybe they knew about Quentin as well "You'll see soon enough"

"Then What should I do?"

"Easy, you go under hiding of course" They shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Where am I going to stay?" I tried to seem calm but I knew better than that. "You could stay at Dean Thomas house, or somewhere else, but we have a plan" They looked at each other and nodded "You are to fake your own death" Now I was beyond Shocked "But it'll only be for a while" Harry quickly added in "Oh you mean like a few days" I sighed in relief.

"No, awhile as in Months" Kingsley Said.

I blinked a few times before nodding "And Why would I do that?" Now I was curious, if I faked my own death what would be in it for me, besides safety.
"Your family and friends, possibly this whole school is in safety if you agree on doing it" they were dead serious by now "Alright I'll do it"

"What do you have in mind?"

"We were thinking of something like you drowned" Harry said "No way am I going to drown myself, maybe if I got into a duel with someone and they killed me" Kingsley nodded at my words.

"Perhaps we could do that"

They both apparated out of the school and left me to go to Lunch.

"Hey Athena were have you been?" James Asked while munching on a toast "Just talked with professor Longbottom" I said remembering that I couldn't say a word about faking my own death. Now that I come to think about it, faking my own death seems very hard to do and very sad. But it would all be worth it in the end.

"Here take this" Quentin offered me a plate with some waffles "What did you talk about?" Katherine asked "About how I was failing in Herbology" I lied. If there was one thing I hated the most was lying to my family and friends.

"Oh is it bad?" Katherine looked at me with concern "Do you need a tutor?" She asked "No I'm alright" I shook my head and smiled at her.

"I should get going see you all" I stood up and walked out to the black lake.

Sitting down I started to remember all the happy memories, the first time riding a broom, Seeing my brothers for the first time, meeting all the people in my life now. It all came crashing down when I remembered that soon enough those people would witness me die. Or at least fake die, but they won't know that.

"Athena!" Turning around I saw Quentin run towards me with a panicked look "What is it?" He started pacing back and forth "My powers, th-there g-gone!" He stuttered "What do you mean gone?" He started to walk faster "I mean that they're gone, I can't control the fire, I can't make fire out of thin air, I can't do anything!"

So that's what Harry and Kingsley meant. They knew Quentin was gonna lose his powers, and making me the only one in hogwarts with special powers.

"No need to panic" I grabbed his arm and led him towards Kath who had ran after him "Please take care of him" I whispered to her Katherine nodded and took Quentin with her to wherever they were going. With a sigh I sat back down on one of the benches and watched the snow fall.

"Athena What are you doing out here in the cold?" I turned around again. James was standing a few feet away from me with his School books "Come on" He took my hand and led me inside "How was your day?" I asked "Good, How was yours?" We walked towards The Ravenclaw Common room "Could've been better I suppose" James furrowed his eyebrows.

"What was so bad about it?" We walked in to the blue common room and sat on the couch "Failing Herbology" I mumbled "Oh yes you did mention that at lunch" He nodded "Yes indeed" It was silent for a few seconds until James said something.

"I got you something" He pulled out an envelope.

It was addressed to me from him.

I opened it.

Hogsmade Sunday 10' clock?

"Sure James" He grinned happily and hugged me "Sorry" he said and quickly pulled away.

Oh how I'll miss this.

Should I have a schedule for posting chapters?

Anyways Hope ya lots enjoyed the chapter!

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