XV|Hogsmeade date

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"A bloody bastard I tell ya" I watched as Lily paced back and forth while ranting about her encounter with one of the Slytherins in her year. "He told me that Lysander was looking for me in the broom closet, then guess what?" She looked me dead in the eye "They locked me in!" Lily yelled and walked again.

"How did you get out?" She stopped pacing "Albus heard me screaming" I hooked my arm in hers and
Begun walking to the great hall.

"Why is every day so tiring, and boring?" She slumped in her seat "I mean everyday we wake up go to classes, eat lunch, go to more classes, eat dinner then we just go to sleep just so that we can repeat it all the next day!"

Lily was right, we do repeat certain things so that it becomes a routine. Maybe it's just how we are used to live.

"Then why don't we change it?"

~           ~          ~

"Come on Lily!" I laughed as we ran away from filch. Lily stumbles a little from laughing so hard I turned the ground behind us to ice to stall filch "Merlin if I knew you could do that I would've been your best friend" she laughed.

"Why thank you mademoiselle Potter" I bowed as she walked into the Gryffindor common room.

"Goodnight Athena" I waved and walked away.

"Athena!" Katherine squealed when I entered the room "Calm down Kathy, What is it?" She took my hands and began jumping up and down "There's a ball next Saturday!" She squealed "Blimey!" I jumped with her.

"Next Saturday!" We squealed together.

Piper joined in, and soon enough we were all jumping up and down.

"Wait What day is it?" I asked and stopped jumping "Saturday, why?" Katherine and Piper walked slowly towards me "Nothin" They raised their eyebrows "I'm meeting James in hogsmade tomorrow" I Said shrugging casually "Is she finally going on a date?" Piper Asked Katherine.

"I think so. Yes" They continued with their conversation "Excuse me I'm standing here" They nodded and said at the same time "we know" 

The following day I made my way towards the great hall were me and James agreed to meet.

"Good morning I hope" a voice said behind me. I turned around to come face to face with James "very" I mumbled as we walked to hogsmeade together.

"So where should we go first?" James put his point finger on his cheek "How 'bout we go to the three broomsticks?" I nodded and the two of us walked away.

"So you know the ball next Saturday" he began talking once we sat down at a booth with butterbeer in front of us "What is the color of your dress"

I looked at him with a confused expression.

"You know so that I can match my bow tie with your dress" He scratches the back of his neck "We're going together?" James looked at me with a baffled expression "I just thought that- you know since like- umm-" I laughed at him "Yeah Of course" I cleared my throat.

"Mine would probably be red" He nodded and we continued to talk occasionally teasing each other about old memories.

"So are you and the others going dress shopping?"

"I'm not going because I already have a dress"

We walked around and entered honey dukes for some sweets and then we went into the shrieking shack.

"To think that the marauders where in here" James said "Whose the marauders?" He stopped in his tracks "You don't know who the marauders are?!" He took my shoulders and gently placed me on the couch "The marauders are only the best pranksters ever in hogwarts history, my grandfather was apart of them, there were four members, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black And James Potter"

I sat and watched as he walked around and continued to talk about his grandfather and his friends.

"They pulled all sorts of pranks, my father told me a lot about them, Remus was a werewolf and the others helped him through the full moons by being Animagus" I stiffened a little bit when he mentioned about being Animagus but he didn't seem to notice since he was still going on about the marauders.

"Well I think that they sound wicked" I said when he finished.

He nodded and we walked back to the big castle "You know I had a great time" James said "Yes, because of me" I flipped my hair dramatically "Cocky are we now?" He chuckled "Always James" I laughed.

"What do you want to be when you graduate?" We sat down on the few benches on the courtyard.

"I want to be an auror" He nodded "Me too"

"Hey then we'll work together!" His eyes lit up "And well love in a big mansion or manor" He continued "I was thinking more like a house, a mansion sounds too much" I replied "We'll See Athena, we'll see"

"And we'll have many kids"

"How many?"

"Like six!" He exclaimed happily.

"Alright calm down, we are not having six kids" I shut him down.

"Well then maybe four?, or three?" I nodded at his words. "Maybe" He grinned.

Short chapter because next one is gonna be extra dramatic See yaaaaaaa

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