Can We Keep a Secret!?

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Baby's POV-

I was shaking....I can't believe what I was hearing,I suddenly had the urge to run and tell the others!! I backed by from the door way...And ran to tell the others!!!

Ned Bear's POV-

I watched Bryan leave, I had always enjoyed his company and the others as well, I heard someone come up behind me, I turn and see Baby was scared and she had this sad look on her face, "Baby, are you OK!? What happened!?", Baby was shaking, everyone came over, Baby was choking on her words, "I---I didn't----He-----I!!!", she broke down crying, everyone was concerned of what happened, I was scared for us, me and above all we all agreed we were more scared for Bryan more than anything..."Baby, you can tell us when your ready...","No need", we all jump to see SpringBonnie and Molten Freddy, Molten kept looking down at the blue carpet,"What happened!?", Spring pulled something out, he handed it to us with a shaky hand, I retrieve the photo and we gasped!!

Bryan's POV-     

I'm starting to get nightmares all over again, like its happened before just...Not as often as right now...Its 4 am, I'm tired as hell, but I can't sleep, all to soon it was morning, I drifted a little and next thing I know I have a number of cuts on both of my arms, I stared I noticed they looked fresh, I don't remember cutting myself, I knew I had to hide this, I grab my red jacket and head out to see everyone...On my way I keep wondering how I got these cuts on my arms I was so deep into the thought, I didn't realise I was there and I ended up waking into the wall,"OW!!!", I pull myself up and head on in, I see Ned Bear, Molten, Spring, Baby and Bellora, funtime Chica come round the corner and knocked into me, causing my arms to sting a little,"Oww...", Funtime Chica looked at me and kept walking and ranting about the place needing more pink, I rubbed my arm in pain, it was really sore but, I wasn't about tell everyone I woke with my arms covered in cuts, although I really wanted to, but last thing we need is a panic attack,"Hey Bryan can we play Mini-Games?", I looked at Baby, I could use a distraction,"Sure.", we head to the portal Molten brushed past my arm, I whiced at the pain,"Bryan...?", I took a few deep breaths and put a straight face on,"I'm Fine."

Molten's POV-  

I waited for Bryan to come, in all honesty, things are kind off boring without him, he comes through the door he smiles, I like it when he smiles it give me a positive vibe though Funtime Chica bumped into him, he rubbed his arm, I noticed he was whiced a little,"Hey Bryan can we play Mini-Games?",  he said we can, as we headed to the portal, I accidentally bumped into Bryan's arm he whiced,"Bryan...?", He takes deep breaths,"I'm fine"....I knew something was not right....He's hiding something....But what?

I hope you guys enjoyed this I need to be honest, I'm only gonna be writing this story on weekends because of school and I hope you guys like this!!      

TheFamousFilms FNAF 6. (completed) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें