We have to help!!

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Axavery's POV~

Ever since we had that battle with the green fur-ball that pretended to be Santa, anyway me, Bryan, Cam, Kayla and Flash head down to the Basement and we see the portal was open and in the front of it was a envelop, with a shaky hand, I open it...The letter was kinda of long but I think we freaked out when we saw who wrote this:

Dear Kids,

I know your wondering who is writing this letter but, I-I feel like you need to know, here goes nothing...First the Bryan from my universe, he has a strange virus that's destroying him on the inside...Listen we have everyone in the pizzeria trying to help we have his friend but...We are going through every villain he's faced I feel like its gotta be someone that wants him dead, but we are not giving up that easily...If you guys have any ideas to help us feel free to come,But be careful if you do come...I hate to see other hurt because of....Someone....Sorry you have to be involved with this madness,

Your's with great sorrow,

Rockstar Freddy.

We all are shaking, Kayla had an idea, we can't go because we have to go home soon, so we wrote them a letter about whats been happening here, the villains and questions...We even told them we would come when we can, we send it through and we all sit down up in the playroom, all we could talk about was all the people we could meet and all the mystery's behind every story...I smile...I wonder if there is another me in that universe....?

**SORRY FOR A SHORT CHAPTER!!! My dad has me on school work so this kinda of a sample of whats gonna happen next chapter**

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