Confessing to Them...

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Jon's POV-

I offered to help Bryan at his location because I feel bad, especially since what I have been doing...Lying to Bryan, no one deserved this...So I built enough courage to tell his friends what I did....What HE did, I take a deep breath, and walked in, SpringBonnie,Baby.R.Foxy,Helpy and Ned Bear were online and they were talking about Bryan's sudden Illness, I'm shaking, SpringBonnie noticed me,"Jon!! Its good to see you again!!", everyone was super nice to me, I take a deep breath and I ask everyone a question,"Guys, Do really wanna stop Afton and find out his plans?", everyone cried yes that's when I really started to shake because one of them has a hook,"Its my fault...", everyone was in dead silence, I explained what happened months back, everyone is in tears, SpringBonnie is shaking his head in disapproval and I locked eyes on, Rockstar Foxy...

Rockstar Foxy's POV-

My vision was blurred...The man...Standing in front of me....Is the reason...BRYAN'S LIFE IS ON THE LINE!!! I started to rage, but SpringBonnie told me to hurt him,"You...You and Afton...Lay a FINGER on him...I will kill you...YOU WILL PAY WHAT BRYAN SUFFERED ALL THOSE YEARS AGO!!!", The jester asked what I was talking about, I showed him the photo, he screamed, I glared,"Now look were this 'Deal' has gotten you!?", Baby was crying,"What he ever do to you...?", Jon sees the anger in my eyes and starts running,"COME BACK HERE MATEY!!!", I  ended chasing him out of the location, everyone disliked Jon at this moment...

The Next Day

Bryan's POV-

I felt alot better than I did yesterday, I get ambushed by everyone by giving me hugs...Ned Bear thought I was dead, In all honesty, I felt like I was dying, I notice Foxy was really steamed,"Foxy are you OK?", he turns to me with a solid fake smile,"Yeah, I'm fine just thinking" I believed him, I mean why wouldn't I, he's my friend, I told everyone I was fine, and everything would be OK...But deep down I felt like I was dying, my head was killing me and I wasn't so steady on my feet, everyone noticed, but told them I'd be fine, but in reality I felt I was going to collapse, but I hid it very well, though my arms were no better, they keep coming back, I swear more cuts are coming out of nowhere, I asked SpringBonnie if I could talk to him in private, he follow's me, I take my jacket off, and he sees the cuts..."B-Bryan, What happened to you!?", I told him how I wake up and more cuts are appearing on my arms, that's when I got a rush of dizziness, SpringBonnie yelled to everyone,"GET THE FIRST-AID KIT!!!", they all see, they all know... I got light-headed, my vision is slowly turning to a blur...The last thing I remember...was Baby on the phone with someone....and then....Darkness...

There you have it 3 chapters in one day though I think 3 is enough for one day, thanks for reading my story, I hope you enjoy it in the future!!   

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