The Sad Story...

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Bryan's POV~

I unscrew the photo Pennywise shoved in my hand, It was a family photo...I see...Me, in my old clothes, I see a little girl next to me and I'm guessing the grown-ups behind me are my parents...But way do I not remember them...I look around, Springbonnie kept his head down and Molten looked like he was gonna cry..."Can someone explain this...?", Springbonnie looked at me, tears were building up..."I-I knew it was only a matter of time until...You f-found out...", I'm so confused, "What are you talking about?", Pennywise was smiling mentally, "Yeah, Afton...Tell him what you did...You and your stupid creation!!", Springbonnie glared at him,"It was an accident!! You think I wanted that to happen!?", I look at Cam and Justin, they were being guarded by Jason so they don't do anything stupid,"Springbonnie, please tell what is the meaning of this?!", he shook his head," 30 years ago...There was a man named Henry and his wife and two kids, as you know Henry was my partner in this pizzeria, our first creation was as you know Molten...The thing is...", he points to the girl in the photo,"I never knew Ennard would do it...That little girl got to close to Ennard and....She past away 3 days later in the hospital....Later that year your mother had a choice to make, either she risked keeping you and Afton comes after you or she hides in the shadows...She and Henry went to confront me...We were in room....The Scooping Room, Afton he got so mad at your mom he-he turned on the scooper and...Your father made Afton a solid promise...If he ever hurts you...There will be hell, your father left you in the orphanage, hoping to keep you away from this curse...", he bows his head in shame...I-I don't know what to do...I-I feel so many emotions rush through me....

Pennywise's POV~

I smile he finally knows the truth,"So, that's why you protected him....You were keeping HIS promise...", Springbonnie glared at me,"He was my best friend...Why wouldn't I?", I look over at Bryan, he is so silent...*BANG*, we snap our heads over to Cam shot Jason Jason and was still doing it, unfortunately my back was turned I feel the knife, Bryan that sneaky rat,"H-Ha...Y-you did...Learn from...H-Him..."

Cam's POV~

With uncontrolled rage I walk over to this clowns corpse and I shot his body until I was dragged away by Molten and Bellora, I never thought this would happen, we all deserve some pizza...Especially Bryan... 

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