Chapter 11: Double Trouble

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After several boring classes, we went home. Good thing dad fetched us.

"Hey Alix, exam's next week. Do you want me to help you study? Napapansin ko kasing, parang hindi ka komportable eh." Ugh, that stupid exam. Who needs that anyway?

"No thanks. I can handle. Can you leave now?"

"Oh, okay then." Niya left with a disappointed look on her face. So what?

"Why does she have to be a good sister? Watever she does, I will never like her as my sister... But what am I going to do next week? I can't just study."

I couldn't also let Little Orange answer my exam 'cause he said each of us will be asked orally after the exam to confirm that we ourselves answered the exam, like what the hell?

"Guess I have to steal the answer key."

Niya said the school gate is also open during Saturdays, that means I could just casually go in and state a fake reason so I could steal the answer key. Like what I sometimes do in Australia.

Saturday. (8:00 PM)

"Ali, where are you going? It's dark already." Since when was he concerned?

"None of your business dad." I opened the door and used dad's car, whether he likes it or not, and drove to school. "Niya better told me the truth." When I stopped near the gate, luckily it was open, I went inside.

"Excuse me, why are you here? No students allowed during Saturdays-"

"-Unless I lost my phone in the classroom. I just need several minutes to find it.., Ma'am." She gave me a strange look. "Exam's next week and all of my notes are there."

"Okay, but just fifteen minutes."

"It'll be real, quick." I ran towards the faculty office. "Crap, it's lo-" I turned the doorknob, "It's open? That's new." I went in and started opening the cabinets and drawers, searched in the trays and tables but, "Nothing. It should be here."

"Looking for this?" I turned my head and I saw her holding the answer key. "Too bad I found it, first."

"Give it to me." I stood up and tried to steal it from her.

"Why should I? I mean, with this, I could get a perfect score." Why is she talking to me without respect?

"Why is the office open?" A guy said and we definitely panicked.

"Someone's coming. Hide."

"No. If we hide, we'll get caught. We have to run... Now." We quickly ran out of the office.

"Hey! You two! Bumalik kayo dito!" The school guard shouted.

We ran towards the corridor. "Crap, the gate's on the opposite direction!"

"Run towards the library and turn left. I'll take care of the guard." What? Then she'll get caught and the answer key's gonna be taken away. "I'll make sure he wouldn't get the answer key." I nodded. Better trust her.

"Don't let him catch you." I ran towards the library and turned left, like that stranger girl said. Lucky for me, the school guard didn't follow me, but followed her.

The moment I got out, I quickly went inside the car and waited for that stranger. I can't just leave. She has the answer key.

After a couple of minutes, she went out. "Finally. Hey. Over here." I whispered. She ran towards the car and went in. I immediately started the car then left. "How's the answer key?"

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