Chapter 14: Sisters' Quarrel

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I woke up at almost lunch time 'cause I am really exhausted from all the problems I'm having. It's a good thing that no one is here, except for the helpers of course. Peace and quiet, at last.

I got hungry so I took a bath and went downstairs to eat. Because I know nothing about cooking, and I am really hungry, it can't wait, I got everything from our refrigerator and ate. I don't want to order  the helpers because they are literally gonna make me wait. And I hate waiting.

After I ate several loaves of bread, some hot choco, and others, I decided to go back to my room. "Boring, boring, boring. I want to go out!" I really want to go out right now but I have no vehicle or anything. And I don't ride public transportations. "If only Tyler was here, I'd seriously call him, like right now."

I decided to look around in the room. Maybe find something that would entertain me or make me leave this boring situation. "Niya said I shouldn't touch anything here but, I don't want anyone to order me around. I'll do what I want to do."

I opened some drawers. There were some papers, news papers, magazines, I don't know whatever these are..inside the drawers. "What does she do with all these stuff?" Oh, I forgot. She's a journalist.

I then checked the cabinets. A lot of notebooks, books and ulch, stuffed toys are in it. "These are mystery stories. So she loves these kinds of books." I read several titles and then, on the lowest part of the shelf, "I'd burn these things." All of them are love stories. This part of the shelf is shit.

Then, I decided to read some of the mystery stories. I have no choice. As if I'll read them love stories.

After quite some time, I looked at her study table. A lot, like a lot of things are on it. But it's still organized. There are several drawings of I don't know whats and then, a drawing of our family. "When did she put this here? I never saw her go inside this room." It was mom, dad, me and Niya as if taking a family picture. "This is incredible. How did she draw this?"

A little box caught my attention. "Now this is girly. What on earth is this thing? A jewelry box or something?" I checked what's inside and all I saw were different colored papers with writings. "What are these?"

I read what's on each paper.

'I wish that more blessings will come to my family.' Cliché.

'I wish that I knew my father. I wish my family is complete.' Well, it is now. Happy?

'I wish Blue isn't always alone and cold. I wish he would have more friends.' How thoughtful. I guess she's referring to Little Orange.

'I wish I could always do my very best at school. I wish I'd make everyone proud.' You're doing it. You're already Ms. Perfect.

'I wish to have a challenging and unique life. Something different naman.' You are literally gonna have one. I'll make sure of it.

'I wish I have a sister. Someone who I can hug. Someone who I can hang out with. Yung kapatid na masasandalan ko. A sister who's sweet and caring. Oh, nevermind. I don't care whatever she's like. I just wish I had a sister. I don't care if she's different, I will still care for her, always.' I held the paper more tightly. She's insane! I've heard somebody say this to me before and fvck the day I believed this!

"You know what? This is a lie." I returned the paper in. I got the last remaining paper.

'Will David notice me? I am not desperate but I wish he would.' Wait wait wait. David? As in David Iñigo Lopez? I've heard about him and he is like every girl's type. Not including me tho.

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