Chapter 4 - Ralsei, the lonely princess

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A/N: Time for the ship! Also, I'm divided! I can't decide either Kris has thoughts or just the narrator says them because I didn't do that in the first two chapters. There will be Susie and Ralsei's POV but not now. Kris's POV I dunno when...
(This was a month ago. There will be Kris' POV.)

General POV

Kris woke up, laying on the ground somewhat conscious. He blinked and tried to get up but some parts of him hurt so he took some time to get up properly. When he did, there were no signs of Susie so he started searching for her and for clues of what this place was. However, it didn't take long to find her. She was some meters away from where Kris woke up, looking at some buildings up ahead.

"Oh, you're not dead. Sweet. Got any idea what the heck this place is?" She asked waiting for an answer. Before the human could even reply, she started talking again. ". . .me neither. Wonder if there's anyone in that building up there...?"

Kris noticed the four small buildings and a castle not very far from them.

"Maybe this place is an abandoned theme park?" Kris looked at Susie with a "doubt" expression. "Wait, where are the rides then...? Maybe they abandoned it 'cause there weren't any."

The four buildings had symbols on top of their doors. The two closest had a money bag symbol and the other had a question mark. The other two had a sword and the word "Inn", but none of those building had someone inside. All of them were empty, which led to Kris to wonder what could have happened. Susie simply waited for Kris to go inspect the castle close by.

They walked in direction of the castle. He noticed that there was black energy coming out of it.

"A castle...?" Susie asked. "Why the hell is there a castle inside a supply closet...?" Susie asked what both of them were thinking.

"Welcome, heroes...!" A voice called. Neither Kris nor Susie recognized it.

"Who's there!?" Susie demanded, afraid.

"Do not be alarmed... I am not your enemy. Please come forward both of you..."

Kris and Susie walked further to see a dressed person in a purple hoody staring at them. The person's face couldn't be seen so it was quite mysterious.

"Welcome. I am the Princess of this Kingdom... The KINGDOM OF DARKNESS. Kris, Susie... There is a LEGEND in this land." Susie looked at the hoody lady with surprise written all over her face and Kris showed nothing but curiosity, even though he was with his normal facial expression. "A LEGEND that one day, two HEROES of LIGHT will arrive, and fulfill the ancient prophecy, foretold by time and space. Please, Heroes... Listen to my tale..."

Kris nodded. Susie immediately looked at Kris, regretting not answering first.

"Very well then..."

*music is no longer appropriate*

And so the princess started telling the ancient tale of Lightners and Darkners. As she told them her story, she seemed to truly believe the legend.

Once upon a time, a LEGEND was whispered among shadows.
I was a LEGEND of HOPE. It was a LEGEND of DREAMS.
It was a LEGEND of LIGHT. It was a LEGEND of DARK.
This is the legend of DELTA RUNE.

For millennia, LIGHT and DARK have lived in balance,
Bringing peace to the WORLD.
But if this harmony were to shatter. . .
A terrible calamity would occur.

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