Chapter 8 - Reenconter

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Ralsei's POV

"That ribbon is ARMOR, Kris! Why don't you try wearing it on the equipment menu? I think it would look great on you!" I giggled as I told Kris. As tiny as that ribbon might be, it's better than having no armor at all. 

Kris took the white ribbon and stared at it. Then he put it on my hat, smiling. I blushed as he attached it to me.

"K... Kris? You're giving it to me...?" I questioned him, blushing. "Well... Does it look pretty...?" I talked and spun to show him how I looked.

Kris stared at me and nodded with hesitation. I think I saw him blushing before, lightly nodding.

~Time Skip~
Susie's POV

I was stuck in a room, trying to break a door that was keeping me from escaping. The door didn't seem like it was going to break just with my fists and they already were starting to hurt from the punches. Then I heard footsteps. Two people were coming close so I took my ax and prepared myself. The noises started to get louder until it seemed they were running in circles. 

The hell...?

I grabbed my ax and prepared to throw it in case they were enemies. Then I heard a voice...

"Ummm, Kris, I think we might be missing something. Maybe we should try going to the next room?" Someone said and the footsteps stopped.

It was Ralsei...

Oh, great. They're here... I already have enough problems to deal with them now.

I started beating the door again, ignoring their existence. Soon enough they came to where I was.

"Ugh, open up you stupid door!" I said in frustration. "Oh, great! It's YOU GUYS." I acted like I didn't notice.

"Susie! We were ever so worried about you! Um, how'd you got past those spikes before?" Ralsei asked confused.

"Walked through 'em." I answered, smiling. "But this door... Sucks."

"Aww, don't worry, Susie! It'll open after we solve the puzzle over there!" Ralsei pointed to the room before.

"Nice. Tell me when you finish it." 

These two can do it for me while I rest here. I'm sure it won't take long and afterward, I will continue without them. Easy.

"Uh, Susie. We need YOU to finish it. Sometimes, proceeding will take all 3 of us. Furthermore, only Kris can seal the DARK FOUNTAIN... So if you don't accompany us, you won't make it home!"

"..." I was speechless. "So you're saying I HAVE to stick with you guys."

"Yep!" Ralsei spoke happily.

"... Let's just get this over with." I said, giving up.

"Yahoo! Susie's back on the team! Cue the fanfare!" Ralsei said and music started to play.

*Susie joined the party

"..." I looked at them. Kris was slightly smiling probably at Ralsei's enthusiasm and Ralsei was doing a little dance with the music.

I can't believe I have to be with these nerds...

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