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The doors in front of me opened. Gliding upwards into the unseen slot.

"Step forward Ms. Black."

The familiar voice echoed before me. Her voice was calm, yet scared.

Chain were wrapped around my ankles and kept close to each other to prevent me from running. My hands were inclosed in some metal box that kept them from even moving one finger.

I let the chains scratch along the metal floor as I took each step forward. What laid before me was a white chair sitting in a dark room with a single light above it.

"Come come, sit."

As if on command, I continued moving forward and sat down in the chair. I couldn't control my movement, nor be able to speak.

I wanted to cry out "why the fuck am I here", but unfortunately I couldn't. Probably better that way anyway.

I looked around my surrounds, anticipating for sometime to come out from the shadows. But, all you could hear was someone's footsteps circling around me. Getting louder each time it made around.

Until finally she came into view.

Black hair, up in a tight bun, with one grey streak weaving in the bun. The wrinkles and the grey hair meant she was probably in her late fifties. Her black blouse and tight skirt didn't make her seem any more appealing.

"Good to see you again,", she said pulling her hands behind her back, "and what a pleasure it is."

I opened my mouth ready to speak what I needed to say, but instead I said, "Indeed."

I thought of what I wanted, but yet again I couldn't control my actions?

What is going on...?

I looked back up at the mystery woman who stood silent. She was biting her lip in preparation to say sometimes.

But, I spoke first, "Now, that we are here, what do we do first?"

She gave a faint smile, "I don't know, we'll just see how well this works out."

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a black box with a single red button. She clicked it and I heard a snap.

But, I wasn't looking at her anymore. I was looking at my Algebra teacher, Mr. Moore.

I blinked a few times to make sure it was him, but it all came too clear.

He snapped the ruler against the table again. The same snapping sound.

"Are you with us now, Zara? Sleeping is for at your house, not my classroom.", the tone of his voice helped me came back even more.

"What?", I said like an idiot.

"I said, sleep in your house, not in my classroom.", he said slapping the desk again and turning around to go back to the front.

I leaned back in my seat and tried to ignore the other laughing people around me. I get it from them a lot already, but it never gets any easier.

It still hurts that tiny little part of my soul that is still left.

My life isn't horrible you could say, but it isn't perfect. I'm not popular, nor am I not seen. I'm not beautiful, nor am I ugly. I'm not amazing, nor am I dull.

I'm just... "There."

I'm that awkward girl in the corner who stands and waits for someone to do something that involves them. Meaning, I'm stuck in that corner forever.

Just waiting.

I want to be noticed and to have some excitement. Be that girl who has many friends that actually wish she was there when she is gone.

I need that adventure and I need that fun, but unfortunately I am that cautious quiet girl...

Oh well, I've been okay up till now, so why change any of it?

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