Sincerely Three

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TW: Self Deprecation

Jared sighed, walking through the doorway of the house he and his boyfriends shared. He'd had a pretty bad day at work. First, some asshole had slapped him across the face for not giving him the exact thing he ordered, leaving a bruise on Jared's cheek. Then, he had slipped on a fucking ice cube, hitting his elbow pretty hard, which still hurt really badly. Then, his co-worker rushed out the door in some emergency, leaving him to run the cafè.

Jared stumbled inside, expecting his boyfriends to be there to cheer him up. Instead, he was met with silence, and an empty house, and a small note on the table.

Went out to get art supplies for Connor. We'll be back soon, okay? Love ya.
-Evan <3

Great. Now he had to sit at home and wait. For what, he didn't know. What would even happen when they got back? For hos his day was going, they could even break up with him. Jared began to panic. What if they did break up with him? They weren't going to break up with him. Or were they? They did have a lot of reasons to break up with him. Jared got up, going to the bathroom and looking in the mirror.

They had so many reasons to break up with him. He was fat. He was so ugly, he didn't understand why they decided to date him in the first place. The bruise on his cheek only made it worse.

Not only that, but he was such a jerk to them. He wasn't anymore, but at one point, he thought that it would work to cover his feelings with nasty remarks and constant bullying.

Jared sobbed. He didn't deserve them, and they didn't deserve to be bothered by him. Evan and Connor were nothing but nice to him from the start, and he acted like an asshole towards them. Tears filled his eyes, as he continued to look in the mirror at his gross, ugly self. He couldn't do anything, Connor had found out about him self harming a few weeks before and cleaned out the house. The knives were all locked up, and the razors were hidden.

"You're such a fucking freak," He mumbled to himself, wiping his eyes. "You shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here," He whispered under his breath, leaving the bathroom. He went into his room, pulling out a suitcase from under his bed, beginning to pack up his things.

After roughly ten minutes, he was packed, and ready to leave. He walked out of his room, gripping the suitcase tightly in his shaking hand. He let out a loud huff, opening the door. Evan was standing there, ready to come in.

"Jared? W-what's wrong? Are you, are you l-leaving? What happened to, to your face?" Jared bit his lip, running hid hand through his hair. He opened his mouth to talk, but nothing happened. Connor walked over, a bag in his hand.

"Jared? What the fuck happened to you and why are you holding a suitcase?"

"I, um... I don't think I can stay anymore." Jared managed to choke out, a large pit forming in his throat. Connor sighed, pulling Evan and Jared inside by the arms. He sat on the couch, pulling bringing them down with him.

"Jared. First, I want you to tell me why you think you should leave. And then, I want you to tell me what the fuck happened to your face."

So, Jared told them everything. He told them what he saw when he looked in the mirror. He told them everything he thought about earlier. He told them about how they had every right to leave him. He told them every little thing that he hated about himself. Everything Jared had kept bottled up inside, he told them.

"J-Jared, you, you aren't ugly, and, and you aren't f-fat either." Evan mumbled, squeezing Jared's hand. "We, we love you. I love you so, s-so much Jared, p-please d-don't, don't leave. You, you help me so much, if, if you l-leave, I, I don't know w-what I'd, what I'd, what I'd-" Evan choked up, wiping tears from his eyes. Connor gave Evan a comforting look, before shooting his eyes back on Jared.

"Jared, if you leave, Evan's going to have a fucking mental breakdown. Do you really want that?"

"N-no, but-"

"Evan's going to blame it all on himself, because he secretly knows that he was never good enough for you in the first place." Jared's eyes widened. There was no way that Connor was talking about Evan. Jared looked over at him. He didn't look offended, he knew that Connor was talking about himself, even though it was also true about him.

"Connor," Evan said quietly, placing a hand on Connor's shoulder. "If, if Jared r-really wants to, to leave, then, then he has the, the right."

"You just fucking asked him to leave! You can't fucking put all of this shit on me, I have every fucking reason to not want my boyfriend to fucking move out!" Evan flinched, pulling his hand away. Connor wiped his eyes, standing up. He drew in a sharp breath, before walking into his room, slamming the door behind him. "If he really fucking wants to leave, then let him fucking leave, because you know what? I don't give a fuck!"

Jared bit his lip, hoping that it wouldn't start to quiver. It did anyway, and he started sobbing maniacally. Evan gave him a hug, rubbing his back.

"J-Jared?" Evan asked. Jared gave no response. "I, I think you should leave." He took a second to process what he had just said, before blurting out, "N-not for, for forever! J-just for, um, maybe just for a f-few days, to, to um, to give Connor a bit of, a bit of time to cool off." Jared sat up, nodding. He quickly grabbed a small piece of paper, scribbling a little note.

Sorry that I stressed you out so much. Be back soon.

Jared <3

He stood up, slipping the note under Connor's doorway, before giving Evan a hug and picking up his suitcase.

"Where are you going to go?"

"Just my parents' house." Evan nodded, walking out of the room, probably to go to his own. Jared sighed, before walking out the door.

Today is going to be a bad day.

But that doesn't mean that tomorrow has to be.

Dear Evan Hansen OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now