You and I (Kleinsen)

470 14 23

Short n sweet

I feel more alone than I ever have as I walk down the hallway, the sound of my footsteps drowned out completely by the chattering of my peers.

"Hansen!" He yells, walking up next to me. He gets real close, so close that it's almost impossible to ignore him, but still, I don't respond. I continue walking. He stops. I don't. "Hansen." He says, quieter this time, his voice breaking.

"What the FUCK do you want?" I yell, slowly turning to face him. He bites his lip, and even from here, I can tell his eyes are tearing up. "What do you want?" I ask, but my voice deceives me and leaves my mouth completely raw as tears involuntarily fill my eyes to the brim. The hallway is empty now. I'm sure the bell rang several minutes ago.

"I guess I wanted to apologize," He says, his voice wobbly. "I don't know where I went wrong, but, but, but- whatever made you decide- that, that it was okay to just shut me out all this time-" He takes a breath, his tears fogging up his glasses. Lucky him. I wish I could remember how to breathe. "I want you to know that it did hurt when- when you just stopped talking to me. It hurt like hell, Evan."

I open my mouth to speak, but nothing happens.

"Can't you just fucking accept that I CARE about you?" He's screaming now. "I care about you more than anything in the world, Hansen, and if that tree-" He points in the direction of mu cast. "If that tree were any fucking taller, I'd be dead."


Silence has always been a problem for me.

"So, I hope you're happy, Hansen." He smiles, and I hate that stupid smile more than anything in the world, because it's not his real smile, oh no. It's far from his real smile, empty and sad and cold, so fucking cold that it sends chills down my spine. "I hope you're real fucking happy." He goes to turn around, but before I can convince myself not to, I take the three steps towards him, closing him into a hug. He stiffens at first, but soon, he hugs back and his knees buckle and now we're on the floor, a messy pile of sobs that once resembled two males.

Neither of us talk, because for once, words aren't needed. Apologies have already been made.

"I- I love you, Jare." I whisper, holding onto him as tight as possible, and this time, I'm not letting him go. A simple 'I love you' isn't anything compared to the aching in my chest. I would kill to be able to express how much I care for him in words, but it's impossible.  My feelings towards him are far too strong to put into sound.

He leans over, connecting our lips into a soft kiss. I almost immediately melt into it, wrapping my arms around his neck as we part for air every so often.

Finally, we pull apart. He presses his forehead against mine, and I stare into his eyes, taking his hands.

"I love you too, Ev. More than anything in this world."


Sorry I haven't updated in a while!! I love kleinsen too much for my own good, why couldn't it have gotten the majority? :(

Fight me, but Kleinsen is so much less cliche than treebros

Fuckin djjdjdd emo nice kid shit my ass Kleinsen for the win

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