
925 22 16

TW: Self deprecation, mentions of eating disorders, fun. Stay safe.


Evan stood in front of the mirror, holding his over-sized shirt up, allowing himself to stare helplessly at his figure. He bit his lip, tears streaming from his eyes like drops of water seeping out of a slightly overflowing pool.

You're the biggest thing I've ever seen!  A cold voice somewhere inside of his head howled, laughing with cruel glee. Evan nodded.

What are you, a cow?

Do you even know what the word 'exercise' means?

Have you ever thought about-

"Evan?" Evan snapped out of the daze, quickly letting go of his shirt and wiping his bloodshot eyes. Jared was standing in the doorway, worry, guilt, and sadness washing over his expression. Evan stood there, wide-eyed, and frozen in place, internally screaming at himself out for not closing the door. Jared slowly walked over to Evan, his hands slightly shaking as he tried not to let himself cry. "Evan." Jared whimpered, his voice cracking as he brought Evan into a gentle hug, scared to break him, which was technically possible, as the boy was so thin that you could feel his bones without pressing on his delicate skin. "Please, start eating again. You don't have to today, or even tomorrow, but at some point, please consider it."

Evan slowly nodded, squeezing Jared harder. He knew that someday, Jared wouldn't be with him to comfort him through times like these, or maybe he wouldn't be there for Jared to comfort. The thought tied his stomach into knots, and he let out a quiet sob, which had gotten drowned out by Jared's shoulder. "I'm sorry." He murmured, taking  in a shaky breath.

"It's okay. Ev, it's okay. I promise, everything's going to be okay." Jared whispered lovingly, slowly rubbing Evan's back. Evan broke down, tiredly crying into Jared's  shoulder. Jared ran a hand through Evan's hair, hot tears streaking down his cheeks.

"I, I l-love you."

"I love you too."

Rowan/exe has stopped working. Is that how you type it??? I dunno man, please correct me.

Congratulations, I made myself cry while writing this, and it took me a full hour. I should really work on my Kleinsen. Whoopdiedoo.

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