Wait For It-Kleinsen

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Edit: This is a continuation of the chapter Always, which is a couple of parts up. Evan is in an abusive relationship with Connor, and Jared promises that he'll wait for him.

We're sitting on the porch, talking, laughing. He doesn't think I notice him flinch whenever I move too fast or get closer to him. He's wearing his favorite blue polo. It's been months since I've seen him wear it, and I'm happy that he's wearing it again.

What were we talking about again? I don't remember. He rests his head on my shoulder, and I smile. There are butterflies in my stomach.

I know I shouldn't do what I know I'm about to do. I promised him that I would wait for him. Okay, I'm waiting to be in a relationship with him.

I slowly tilt his head up with my hand. His face reddens, and he stares into my eyes. We're like this for a good few seconds, until he finally leans in and kisses me. The shock of it all paralyzes me for a good half a second, but I soon melt into it. He's a surprisingly good kisser.

He quickly pulls away, tears in his eyes.

"Connor's going to kill me." He whispers under his breath, and my eyes widen. I shake my head.

"Connor's in jail, Evan. He's in jail." I say softly, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. He flinches violently under my touch.

"He's, he's going to-" He cuts himself off, shrinking into me and sobbing into my shoulder. I wrap my arms around him, and begin to rub his back.

"Evan, I'm here. I'm here for you. He can't hurt you anymore, okay? I won't let him."


"Evan, you have to listen to me. He can't come near you." Evan slowly nods.

"Jared?" He squeaks.


"I think I'm ready."

"Are you sure?" He nods once again, and I hug him tighter. "Okay."'

Dear Evan Hansen OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now