Put Downs and Put Ups-Sincerely Three

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Tw: mentions of suicide attempts, mentions of death

Evan, Connor, and Jared were cuddling on Jared's bed in his room. There was a comfortable silence. Everybody was happy.

But then Evan got a phone call. It read his mom's number.

"Hello? Um, uh, yeah."

There was a long pause. Evan looked crushed.

"U-um, ok-kay, I, um, thank y-you. I'ok see y-you then. N-no, it's, it's okay. B-bye."

And then he burst into tears. Connor and Jared looked at each other, before pulling Evan closer to them.

"Hey, hey, shhh. We're here, Ev." Jared cooed, wrapping his arms around Evan's waist. Connor had his around Evan's neck, gently rubbing his back.

Evan felt helpless. One of the.worst possible things to ever happen to him had become a reality, and all he could do was cry.

"Baby, what happened?" Connor asked in a calm voice.

"M-my, my mom, car, h-hospital-" Evan choked out, sobbing into Connor's chest. After dating Evan for three years, they could all understand what this meant. A wave of sadness overcame the room.

"Oh, honey.." Connor held onto Evan tighter. Evan sobbed, crashing into Connor's chest.

"I never, I didn't, I, I, I-"

"Deep breaths, Ev. Deep breaths." Jared whispered, placing a hand on Evan's thigh.

"I didn't say goodbye," Evan said quietly, his voice high-pitched. "He, he said she was on her way to work, and then-"

A look of realization formed on Evan's face. He sobbed even harder.

"There's not a truck coming to take me away, Evan. I'm not going anywhere. Whether you like it or not, you're stuck with me, kid."

"And, and then a, a U-haul hit her."

She was gone.

Deep breaths in, deep breaths out, deep breaths in, deep breaths ou-

It didn't work. Evan was choking, wheezing for air, tears pouring down his face.

"Evan! Evan, in for ten, hold for five, out for fifteen-" Jared held Evan's cheeks with his hands, counting the seconds in his mind. Evan did as told.

"I, I'm sorry," Evan choked out.

"No, hey, don't be sorry." Jared leaned over, planting tiny butterfly kisses all over Evan's face. Evan giggled, wrapping his arms around Jare, not wanting to let go. "See, there's that smile we love and adore." Evan laughed. Connor stood up, stretching.

"I'll be right back, I'm going out to get something." He smiled, placing kisses on both of his boyfriends' heads, before leaving the room. Jared tackled Evan into a hug on the bed, resting his head on his shoulder.

"She would be proud of you, Ev. You're so strong." Evan shook his head, looking down. Jared sighed, running a hand through Evan's hair. "Connor and I are here, okay? Well, Connor is out right now and he jusr left, BUT. You know what I mean." He picked up Evan's once-broken arm, holding it gently in his hands. "This isn't worth it, Acorn. I know we weren't there for you then. I know I was always a huge douchebag to you. But you have us now. If you ever feel like this again-"

"Itriedtodoitagain," Evan blurted, biting his lip. "That, that one week you and Connor were in, ah, in Paris. I couldn't, I just felt like, I, I wasn't good enough, and, and I found a bottle of pills and I just-"

"Evan-" Jared sighed, processing what he had heard. "We can't lose you, Ev. You and Connor mean everything  to me and-" at this moment, Connor walked in, a few bags in his hands. He had a soft look on his face, but he looked like he had been crying. To be fair, they all had. He set the bags down on the floor by the bed, sitting down. "-And I don't know where the fuck I would be without you guys." Connor smiled, picking the bags up.

"So, I got plain vanilla because vanilla is good and I don't want anybody fighting over flavors" He pulled out a tub of icecream, and some plastic spoons. "And some flowers, because who doesn't like flowers?" He passed a blue vase of Tulips to Evan and Jared, who smiled. "And then, I also got Heathers, Mean Girls, Little Shop of Horrors, and The Lorax."

"Why the fuck would you get the Lorax?" Evan laughed.

"It's fun to make fun of, I don't know, okay?" He pulled one more thing out of the bag. "It's a weighted stuffed... Well, it isn't an animal, it's a tree. Weighted stuff is supposed to help with anxiety and all of those other mortal emotions." Tears poured down Evan's face.

"Connor, you didn't, you didn't have to do any of this."

"As one of your boyfriends, it is my sole purpose to make you feel better." Connor smirked.

"I love you guys." Evan laughed.

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