Disappear- Sincerely Three

654 18 19

Trigger Warning: Suicide

Evan woke up to his mother yelling his name. "EVAN? EVAN, WHERE ARE YOU?" The boy quickly sat up, his eyes wide.

"Mom? Mom, what's wrong?" Evan asked quickly, standing up and placing a hand on Heidi's arm. She showed no sign of being aware of his presence. She picked up her phone, quickly going through her contacts.

"Hello? Jared? Is Evan with you?" There was a long pause. "No, honey, calm down. Can you ask Connor if he's over there? Yes, I'm sure he's fine. Thank you so much. Bye."

"Mom, I'm right here!" Evan wailed, clenching his fists.

It was no use.

She couldn't see him.

Evan took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He walked out of the room and out of the house, sprinting over to Jared's.

"No, Con, if I knew where he was, I wouldn't be asking you!" Silence. "I'm sorry, okay? I'm just- I'm just frustrated. I know. Okay. I'll see you soon. I love you too. Bye." Evan watched as Jared sighed, throwing his phone onto his bed.

"Jare, please, I'm standing right next to you!" Nothing. Evan huffed, sitting next to Jared on the floor. The door soon opened to reveal a stressed Connor. His hair was slightly messy, and he looked tired.

"Are you okay?" He asked, sitting on Jared's other side. Jared shook his head.

"What if-"

"Hey, babe, don't focus on the what ifs. I'm here, right? I'm sure we'll find him."


"J." Jared nodded, slouching onto Connor's side.

"I'm right here," Evan whimpered, tears falling from his eyes. "Why can't anybody fucking see me?"

"I'm going to look for him." Jared mumbled, standing up and slipping his phone into the pocket on his chest. "You coming?" Connor nodded, also standing. He wrapped his arms around Jared in a strong hug.

"Where do you think he could be?"

"We can check the park," Jared whispered into Connor's chest, tears trailing down his cheeks. Connor lifted the boy's chin, wiping away his tears. Jared sniffled, smiling a bit.

"Hey, don't cry." Evan laughed quietly, momentarily forgetting about his situation.

"I love you guys."

Jared winced.

And that's when Evan remembered.

Writing the letter.

Swallowing the pills.

Panic rushed through his body, the familiar feeling piercing his lungs and leaving an ache in his chest.

"Shit. Shitshitshit."

"Quit freaking out, it's weird and it won't do you any good." Evan whipped his body around. There was a girl standing there, her long blonde hair brought into braids that sat on her shoulders. He hadn't seen her before, but she looked about his age.

"You can see me?" The girl hummed, turned around, and walked away, leaving Evan in a bigger state of confusion than he was before. The room went silent, snapping Evan back into reality. Connor and Jared had left. Evan rushed into the hallway, bounding down the stairs and stumbling out the front door. Luckily, the two had decided to walk.

No way Evan would just let them find him, they would freak out. He ran after the boys, placing a hand on Jared's shoulder. Nothing.

"Just let death run it's course, Evan."

"What do you mean?" The girl made a 'tsk tsk' noise, crossing her arms.

"You have to accept that you're gone just as much as they will."


"You brought this on yourself, Evan." And then she was gone. Evan ran to catch up with Evan and Jared, who were walking faster now. They were almost at the park. Sirens were heard.

"Nonono, turn around, please stop walking, CONNOR, JARED, PLEASE!" Evan yelled, clenching his fists. Still, nothing.

They were now at the park, running, calling Evan's name, searching for any sign of life.

But they never found it.

What they did find, was Evan, laying at the base of a tree, an empty bottle laying loosely in his hand and a note in the other.

Jared let out a distorted sob, covering his mouth. Connor bit his lip, his breathing jagged and uneven. His eyes remained dry. He took a step closer, bending over and gently removing the note from Evan's hand. There was only one sentence, scribbled onto one of the lines in the middle of the paper.

'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you <3

Connor closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. Jared was on the ground, sobbing into his knees, scratching at the bare skin on his shins.

"I'm sorry," Evan whispered, tears filling his eyes. "I'm so sorry."

But nobody could hear him.

Evan had truly disappeared.

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