Sincerely Three

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Jared nervously picked at the skin on his hands, taking in a deep breath. He was awkwardly sitting between Connor and Evan on the couch. Evan was on his laptop, looking at pictures of trees, and Connor was browsing through Pintrest on his phone.

"J-Jared, are, are you okay?" Evan asked, noticing Jared's irregular breathing pattern. Jared rapidly shook his head, before jumping up and speeding to the bathroom. He slammed the door, sitting on the closed toilet seat.

"Holy shit," He mumbled, pulling the velvet box out of his pocket. He opened it, examining the two rings inside. One was silver, the other gold. "Holy fucking shit. I can't do this. I can't-" Jared shook his head. He stood up, wiping any wetness from his eyes, before moving to the mirror. And for once, it wasn't to hate on himself. "Jared fucking Kleinman, you are going to march the fuck out there, get on one fucking knee, and ask them to marry the fuck out of you, okay? Okay."

And Jared did exactly that. He swung the door open, hands on his hips, eyes closed in determination. Obviously, Evan and Connor were extremely confused, until he got onto his right knee, looked up at them, and said: "Marry the fuck out of me." Evan covered his mouth, tears already rushing to his face. He frantically nodded, standing up and wrapping his arms around Jared's shoulders. Connor smiled, letting out a loud "DUH!" Jared laughed in victory, taking his glasses off and setting them on a nearby table.

"Wait... but isn't that illegal?" Connor questioned, crossing his arms.

"Very!" Jared grinned, moving a happily sobbing Evan to his lap, where he buried his face into Jared's shoulder and gripped onto his shirt. "Which is why I bought us plane tickets to Columbia!"

"Holy fuck, Jared." Connor mumbled, biting his lip. Connor Murphy was about to cry.

"I know. Now come the fuck over here and fucking hug me."


"Shut up."

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