Sincerely Three

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Jared woke up to a loud wail. He didn't exactly know where it came from, but he had a pretty good idea. Connor was out doing something with Zoe, so it couldn't have been him, and it wasn't Jared, so, unless there was a murderer in the house, it would have to be from Evan. Jared rubbed his eyes, reaching onto the cupboard to get his glasses.

Retrieving said glasses, Jared stood up slowly, stretching out his arms. He checked the time, it was two AM. He rushed over to Evan's room, slowly opening the door.

Evan was sitting in the corner of his room, his knees hugged to his chest, silently sobbing into his knees. He looked like he was trying to scream, but no sound would come out of his mouth. He was gasping for breath, letting out small wheezes as he tried to force the air into his lungs.

Jared ran over to Evan, and despite the fight they shared hours before, crouched in front of him, taking one of his hands.

"Evan! Evan, breathe, okay? Just breathe. Baby, focus on me, okay?" Evan nodded, trying his best to do as told.

"I-I'm, I'm, I-I'm s-s-sorry," Evan sobbed, bringing his head back into his knees.

"Ev, don't talk until you're ready." Jared said quietly, looking at the floor. He knew that this was all of his fault.


"Evan, come on. Connor needs a ride, and I don't want to leave you here by yourself."

"I'm comin- wait, why don't you want me here by myself?" Evan asked, walking into the room.


"Y-You don't trust me, do you? You think that just because you guys aren't here for a half hour, I'm going to have a mental breakdown."

"Ev, I don't mean it like that, but just in case-"

"You think that there's something wrong with me! There is something wrong with me, but that, that doesn't mean that, that I-" Evan stopped himself, shaking his head. "I'm not coming with you."

"Maybe I should stay." Connor said, looking from Jared to Evan.

"Connor, it's fine." Jared mumbled, grabbing his keys before walking out the door, not giving Evan another glance.



"Do you think that there's something, something wrong with me?"

"No." Jared gave Evan a small smile, and Evan knew that he meant it.

"Okay. Does Connor?"

"I don't know, does he?" Jared laughed, shaking his head. "I don't think so." Evan seemed unconvinced. Jared huffed, pulling his phone out of his pocket and tapping Connor's contact.

"What do you want? It's two in the fucking morning, Jared. You should be in bed."

"Do you think that there's anything wrong with Evan?" Connor let out a loud breath of relief.

"Yes. I think that he should be sleeping right now and not hating on himself." Connor paused for a second. "No, there isn't anything wrong with Evan. Ev, we just worry about you sometimes."

"I know." Evan mumbled.

"Good. Now go the fuck to sleep." Connor hung up. Jared put his phone back into his pocket.

"I don't know what his deal is, he's awake too. But, he's right. And no, you can't sleep there, because your back is going to hurt in the morning." Evan nodded, standing up, before letting out a tiny yawn. (Bitch, don't lie, I know you yawned too.)

Jared tucked him into bed, kissing him on the forehead, before going to leave. "Wait." He said quietly. Jared turned around, looking back at him.


"I, uh, nothing. Sorry."

"You, um... Do you want me to stay with you?" Evan nodded quickly, biting his lip. Jared walked over, crawling in bed next to Evan, who immediately cuddled up to him, wrapping his arms around his waste.

"Ev, you're like, a koala or something."

"Nope. Koalas are actually very dangerous."

"Go to sleep." Jared sighed, ruffling his hair. Eventually, Jared drifted off to sleep, but Evan remained awake.

Throughout the entire rest of the night.

How, he didn't know, but he just... couldn't sleep. Eventually, Connor came back home, and was very unimpressed in which seeing Evan awake and on his phone, dark bags under his eyes, with Jared peacefully snoring quietly next to him.


"Connor, shut up." Jared mumbled, opening his eyes anyway. "You're going to wake Evan up."

"What the hell do you- Fuck." There was Evan, fast asleep in Jared's arms.

Dear Evan Hansen OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now