Always- Kleinsen

668 20 27

Trigger Warning: Verbal abuse, physical abuse

Lemme note, this is a bit unrealistic but uH iT'S fAnFiCtioN sO WhO cArEs

"You mean nothing to me, Hansen. You mean nothing to anybody." He took a step closer to the shaking boy, whko covered his mouth, tears pouring from his eyes. "You're just a worthless piece of shit. Nobody would even care if you were gone."

"I know," Evan whispered, looking down.

"You say that every time, Hansen."

"I'm sorry."

"You apologize too much. You should just do us all a favor and stop talking, maybe people would actually like you then." The shorter boy gulped.

Evan was used to it.

He was used to the constant degrading. The abuse.

He wanted to be able to brush it off, to act like it wasn't happening, to pretend they were that perfect couple that they were in public.

He saw the way Jared looked at him, his eyes full of longing and heartbreak.

Evan wanted to run to those eyes, but he was scared. Scared that Connor would hurt him worse than he already did. Scared that he would be alone in the end.

So, he stayed with Connor.

He lived through all of the insults and torments.

He cried through all of the throws, shoves, kicks, and punches.

He listened to Jared scream at him to leave Connor, to call the cops, to do something. He watched him break down every time he found a new bruise on Evan's body. He let him sob into his shoulder, endlessly begging him to break up with Connor.

Evan remained numb as Connor hit him, warm blood pouring down his face, wishing for nothing but to be in Jared's loving, caring arms. He knew that all relationships weren't like this. He knew that Jared wouldn't try hurt him, even if his life depended on it.

He knew that Jared would sacrifice his own happiness for Evan's, and that Jared would do anything in his power to make Evan stop hurting.

Jared loved Evan. He really, genuinely loved Evan. And Evan loved Jared.

But Evan couldn't be with Jared, because he was with Connor.

Sirens. There were sirens.

Evan could hear sirens.

He whimpered, asking Connor to stop, but Connor only hit him harder. He tasted blood.

Banging on the door. There was banging on the door.

Connor didn't stop. He shoved Evan against the wall, clenching his teeth.

"Help," Evan squeaked out, not allowing his body to move. The door broke open. People flooded the room. Connor stumbled backward, his eyes wide.

"Connor Murphy, you are under arrest for physical abuse and harassment."

Evan slid to the ground, crying into his knees.

"Evan? Evan!" Evan looked up. Jared was there too. "C'mon, Ev, I'm taking you to my house." Evan shook his head, biting his lip. "Evan." The boy grabbed Evan by the wrist, gently pulling him up and dragging him out of the building. Evan didn't fight him. Once they were in the car, Jared leaned over the seat, wrapping his arms around Evan. "Evan, I'm sorry. I had to. I couldn't just sit there knowing that he was hurting you like that." Evan nodded.



"I- I love you."

"I love you too. I'll wait for you, okay? You don't have to be ready for another relationship yet, but when you are, I'll be here. Always." Evan smiled, nodding.

"Thank you, Jared."

Dear Evan Hansen OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz