Team Time-Sincerely Three

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This one gets... Really cheesy. It starts out kind of sad but don't let the beginning deceive you.

TW: Mentions of self harm and suicide attempts

Evan, Connor, Jared, and Zoe were all sitting on Evan's bed. Zoe was kind of off to the side, somewhat separating herself from the throuple. Evan was leaning on Jared's shoulder, gently hugging his arm. Connor was sitting in Jared's lap, his chin on the boy's other shoulder, his legs stretched out to the side.

"You guys are too cute to watch," Zoe taunted, a grin spread on her close to perfect face as she pulled out her phone and took a couple of pictures. Connor rolled his eyes.

"Not half as cute as you and Alana." He mumbled.

"We aren't even together!" Zoe yelled, crossing her arms. Connor laughed.

"Yeah, that's why I saw you guys kissing in front of the building the other day." Jared countered. Zoe's face turned a light shade of red.

"It only lasted, what, two seconds? Plus, a kiss doesn't mean we're actually together." Zoe sighed.

"You should tell her how you feel," Evan suggested, lightly tracing words onto Jared's arm with his finger. Jared smiled.

"What are you writing?" He asked, his tone soft. Evan blushed, burying his face into Jared's shoulder.

"I love you." He mumbled.

"I love you too." Jared laughed, planting a soft kiss on Evan's head.

"I don't know how to tell her. I mean, I want to, but..."


"But she probably doesn't feel the same." Evan layed his head back on Jared's shoulder, shrugging.

"You don't know until you ask." Zoe bit her lip, thinking.

"How did you guys even get together, anyway?"

Connor coughed. Evan blushed. Jared only smirked, raising his eyebrows.

"Your big brovvuh over here-" He pointed at Connor. "-We found his sketchbook. It was covered in all of these little adorable doodles of Evan and I. We were all pretty much hiding our feelings towards each other, but when we saw his notebook, I told him how we felt and we started going out a few days after." Connor moved swsy from Jared, turning around to face Zoe.

"I just got bored, okay? I didn't know what else to draw." Zoe smiled.

"No, it's fine. Everybody knows that you're hopelessly in love with them." Evan's face flushed a bright red.

"You wouldn't deny it though, would you Connie?" Jared asked, taking a frown. Connor huffed.

"No," he mumbled.

"What was that?"

"No." Jared grinned, his own face turning slightly red.

"I'm glad to hear."

"Jared?" Evan asked, his voice small.


"What- what are these?" He pointed at a couple of burn scars in the crook of Jared's elbow. If they weren't generally around the same spot, he wouldn't have thought much of it. Jared quickly pulled his arm back, holding it to his chest. Evan slightly flinched, jumping back.

"It's nothing, Ev."

"Obviously it's something if you're getting this defensive about it." Connor said calmly, his face not showing much emotion. "Jare, lemme see." Connor moved slowly and cautiously, gently taking Jared's arm, inspecting the place Evan had pointed to. There were a couple of scars up and down the bottom of his arm, some looked like cuts, others were burns. Jared took a shaky breath, looking away. "Jared, when did you do this?" Jared didn't respond. "We aren't going to judge you, J. We aren't going to hate you, and we're not telling anybody."

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